conclave 英 [ˈkɒŋkleɪv]   美 [ˈkɑŋkleɪv]


conclave  英 [ˈkɒŋkleɪv] 美 [ˈkɑŋkleɪv]

n. 秘密会议;红衣主教团;教皇选举会议 


I refer, of course, to the solemn conclave assembling tonight in Brussels to elect the President of Europe. When shall we see the white smoke? 当然,我说的是今晚在布鲁塞尔召开的神圣秘密会议,欧盟总统就要被选出来了,我们什么时候能看到白烟呢?
You heard the reaction in the conclave. 你听到了选举会议上的反应。

  • A private or secret meeting is a conclave. What are some reasons you might hold a conclave? You might be convening the executive committee on the board of a company, or you might be planning a surprise party.
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  • n. 秘密会议;红衣主教团;教皇选举会议
  • 1. I refer, of course, to the solemn conclave assembling tonight in Brussels to elect the President of Europe. When shall we see the white smoke?


  • 2. You heard the reaction in the conclave.


  • conclave (n.) late 14c., "a place where cardinals meet to elect a pope," also "the assembly of cardinals to elect a pope," from Italian conclave, from Latin conclave "a private room, chamber suite," probably originally "a room which may be locked," from assimilated form of com "with, together" (see con-) + clavis "a key" (from PIE root *klau- "hook"). Extended sense of "any private assembly" is by 1560s.
con·clave / ˈkɒŋkleɪv ; NAmE ˈkɑːŋkleɪv / noun ( formal) a meeting to discuss sth in private; the people at this meeting 秘密会议;秘密会议与会者 conclave conclaves con·clave / ˈkɒŋkleɪv ; NAmE ˈkɑːŋkleɪv /
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