recode ['ri:'kəud]  


recode  ['ri:'kəud]

vi. 重新编码  vt. 重新编码 


This event will recode the crystalline energy of both the planet and humanity. 这个事件会将地球和人类的水晶能量重新编码。
For example, if you want to change the HTML produced by a JSF component, you normally have to recode the component's renderer and implement a new custom tag. 例如,如果想要更改 JSF 组件生成的 HTML,通常情况下需要对组件的呈现程序进行重新编码,并实现一个新的定制标记。

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  • vi. 重新编码
  • vt. 重新编码
  • 1. This event will recode the crystalline energy of both the planet and humanity.


  • 2. For example, if you want to change the HTML produced by a JSF component, you normally have to recode the component's renderer and implement a new custom tag.

    例如,如果想要更改 JSF 组件生成的 HTML,通常情况下需要对组件的呈现程序进行重新编码,并实现一个新的定制标记。

  • 3. This awakening will sequentially recode the 12 Golden Sun Disc around the planet.


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