inconsistently [,inkən'sistəntli]  


inconsistently  [,inkən'sistəntli]

adv. 不一致地 

However, the proliferation of inconsistently developed services presents a challenge. 但是,现在面临着激增的不一致的服务的挑战。
The challenges of this technique are that it's often inconsistently applied among developers on a team, and that it can be easy to miss opportunities for refactoring. 该技巧面临的挑战在于一个开发团队的开发人员的应用方法不一致,并且很容易错失重构的机会。

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  • adv. 不一致地
  • 1. However, the proliferation of inconsistently developed services presents a challenge.


  • 2. The challenges of this technique are that it's often inconsistently applied among developers on a team, and that it can be easy to miss opportunities for refactoring.


  • 3. The base cases are then handled inconsistently by client code.


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