rate 英 [reɪt]   美 [ret]


rate  英 [reɪt] 美 [ret]

n. 比率,率;速度;费用  vt. 评价;分级; 

进行时:rating  过去式:rated  过去分词:rated  第三人称单数:rates  名词复数:rates 

at an average rate of 5 kilometres an hour. 大多数人步行的平均速度为每小时 5 公里。
At the rate you work, you'll never finish! 以你工作的速度,你永远也做不完!

  • When you pay a high rate, you pay a lot of money. When you move at a high rate of speed, you go fast. If you are a judge at a contest, you rate the contestants.
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  • n. 比率,率;速度;费用
  • vt. 评价;分级;
  • 1. at an average rate of 5 kilometres an hour.

    大多数人步行的平均速度为每小时 5 公里。

  • 2. At the rate you work, you'll never finish!


  • 3. a high rate of unemployment


  • 4. the annual crime rate,the annual divorce rate


  • 5. a high success rate


  • 6. advertisingrates


  • 7. a low hourly rate of pay


  • 8. We offer special reduced rates for students.


  • 9. The university is highly rated for its research.


  • 10. The show was rated as a success by critics and audiences.


  • 11. What did you think of the movie? I didn't rate it myself.


  • 12. a top-rated programme


  • 13. She is currently rated number two in the world.


  • 14. The incident didn't even rate a mention in the press.


  • rate (n.) "estimated value or worth," early 15c., from Old French rate "price, value" and directly from Medieval Latin rata (pars) "fixed (amount)," from Latin rata "fixed, settled," fem. past participle of reri "to reckon, think" (from PIE root *re- "to reason, count"). Meaning "degree of speed" (properly ratio between distance and time) is attested from 1650s. Currency exchange sense first recorded 1727. First-rate, second-rate, etc. are 1640s, from British Navy division of ships into six classes based on size and strength. Phrase at any rate originally (1610s) meant "at any cost;" weakened sense of "at least" is attested by 1760.
  • rate (v.1) "to scold," late 14c., probably from Old French reter "to impute blame, accuse, find fault with," from Latin reputare "to count over, reflect," in Vulgar Latin, "to impute, blame," from re- "repeatedly" (see re-) + putare "to judge, suppose, believe, suspect," originally "to clean, trim, prune" (from PIE root *pau- (2) "to cut, strike, stamp"). Related: Rated; rating.
  • rate (v.2) "estimate the worth or value of," mid-15c., from rate (n.). Intransitive sense of "have a certain value, rank, or standing" is from 1809; specifically as "have high value" from 1928. Related: Rated; rating.
rate / reɪt ; NAmE reɪt / noun , verb rate rates rated rating noun 1 [countable ] a measurement of the speed at which sth happens 速度;进度 Most people walk at an average rate of 5 kilometres an hour. 大多数人步行的平均速度为每小时 5 公里。 The number of reported crimes is increasing at an alarming rate. 报警案件的数量正在以惊人的速度增长。 Figures published today show another fall in the rate of inflation. 今天公布的数字表明通货膨胀速度又一次下降。 At the rate you work, you'll never finish! 以你工作的速度,你永远也做不完! 2 [countable ] a measurement of the number of times sth happens or exists during a particular period 比率;率 Local businesses are closing at a/the rate ofthree a year. 地方企业正在以每年三家的速度关闭。 a high/low/rising rateof unemployment 高╱低╱不断增长的失业率 the annual crime/divorce rate 年犯罪╱离婚率 His pulse rate dropped suddenly. 他的脉搏速率突然下降。 a high success/failure rate 很高的成功╱失败率 see also birth rate , death rate 3 [countable ] a fixed amount of money that is charged or paid for sth 价格;费用 advertising/insurance/postal, etc. rates 广告费、保险费、邮费等 a low/highhourly rate of pay 按小时支付的低╱高报酬 We offer special reduced ratesfor students. 我们对学生有特惠价格。 a fixed-ratemortgage (= one in which the amount of money paid back each month is fixed for a particular period) 定额偿还按揭贷款 the basic rate of tax (= the lowest amount that is paid by everyone) 基本税额 exchange/interest rates 兑换╱利息率 rates of exchange/interest 兑换╱利息率 see also base rate , flat rate , rack rate 4 rates [plural ] (in Britain) a tax paid by businesses to a local authority for land and buildings that they use and in the past also paid by anyone who owned a house (英国地方政府征收的)房地产税,房产税 synonyms at tax see also first-rate , second-rate , third-rate IDIOMS at ˈany rate ( informal) 1 used to say that a particular fact is true despite what has happened in the past or what may happen in the future (强调事情的真实性)无论如何,不管怎样 Well, that's one good piece of news at any rate. 不管怎么说,这是个好消息。 I may be away on business next week but at any rate I'll be back by Friday. 我下周可能要出差,但无论如何,我最晚星期五回来。 2 used to show that you are being more accurate about sth that you have just said (表示说得更加确切)不管怎样,至少 He said he'll be coming tomorrow. At any rate, I think that's what he said. 他说他明天要来。至少,我认为他是这么说的。 3 used to show that what you have just said is not as important as what you are going to say (强调下文)总而言之,反正 There were maybe 60 or 70 people there. At any rate, the room was packed. 那里也许有六七十人吧。反正屋子里挤得严严实实。 at a rate of ˈknots ( BrE) ( informal) very quickly 飞快地;迅速地 at ˈthis/ˈthat rate ( informal) used to say what will happen if a particular situation continues to develop in the same way 照此情形;如此下去 At this rate, we'll soon be bankrupt. 照此情形,我们很快就会破产。 more at going adj. verb ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] ratesb/sth (as) sth | rateas sth to have or think that sb/sth has a particular level of quality, value, etc. 评估;评价;估价 ratesb/sth (+ adv./prep.) The university is highly ratedfor its research. 这所大学因其研究工作而受到高度评价。 They rated him highly as a colleague. 作为同事,他们对他评价甚高。 ratesb/sth + adj. Voters continue to rate education high on their list of priorities. 选民继续把教育看作是头等重要的大事。 ratesb/sth (as) sth | ratesb/sth + noun The show was rated (as) a success by critics and audiences. 评论家和观众都认为这次演出是成功的。 rateas sth The match rated as one of their worst defeats. 这次比赛可以说是他们最为惨重的一次失败。 + adj. I'm afraid our needs do not rate very high with this administration. 我们的需求恐怕不会受到这届政府的高度重视。 2 [transitive ] ratesth ( informal) to think that sb/sth is good 认为…是好的;看好 What did you think of the movie? I didn't rate it myself. 你觉得这部电影怎么样?我个人认为不怎么样。 3 [transitive ,  usually passive ] to place sb/sth in a particular position on a scale in relation to similar people or things 划分等级;分等 SYN rank ratesb/sth (+ adv./prep.) The schools were rated according to their exam results. 这些学校是按考试成绩排名次的。 a top-rated programme 一级项目 ratesb/sth + noun She is currently rated number two in the world. 她目前排名世界第二。 4 [transitive ] ratesth to be good, important, etc. enough to be treated in a particular way 值得,配得上(某种对待) SYN merit The incident didn't even rate a mentionin the press. 这件事在报纸上连提都不值得一提。 5 [transitive ,  usually passive ] ratesth (+ noun) to state that a film/movie or video is suitable for a particular audience 对(电影或录像片)分级 see also X-rated , zero-rated SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 rate charge fee rent fine fare toll rental These are all words for an amount of money that is charged or paid for sth. 以上各词均指所收取或付出的费用。 rate a fixed amount of money that is asked or paid for sth 指所索取或付出的价格、费用: a low hourly rate of pay 按小时支付的低报酬 interest rates 利息率 charge an amount of money that is asked for goods or services 指商品或服务的要价、收费: an admission charge 入场费 fee ( rather formal) an amount of money that you have to pay for professional advice or services, to go to a school or college, or to join an organization 指专业服务费、咨询费、学费、会费: legal fees 诉讼费 an annual membership fee 年度会费 rent an amount of money that you regularly have to pay for use of a building or room 指房屋租金 NOTEIn American English, rentcan be used to mean rental. 在美式英语中,rent 可用以表示 rental ﹙租金﹚: The weekly rent on the car was over $300. 这辆汽车每周的租金是 300 多元。 fine a sum of money that must be paid as punishment for breaking a law or rule 指罚金、罚款: a parking fine 违规停车罚款 fare the money that you pay to travel by bus, plane, taxi, etc. 指乘坐车、船、飞机等的费用 toll an amount of money that you have to pay to use a particular road or bridge 指道路、桥梁的通行费 rental an amount of money that you have to pay to use sth for a particular period of time 指租金 rent or rental? 用 rent 还是 rental? In British English rentis only money paid to use a building or room: for other items use rental.In American English rentcan be used for both, but rentalis still more common for other items. 在英式英语中,rent 只指房屋租金,其他物品的租金用 rental。在美式英语中,rent 可指以上两种租金,但指其他物品的租金,rental 仍然较通用。 PATTERNS (a) rate/charge/fee/rent/fine/fare/toll/rental forsth (a) rate/charge/fee/rent/toll/rental onsth ata rate/charge/fee/rent/fare/rental of… fora charge/fee to pay(a) rate/charge/fee/rent/fine/fare/toll/rental to charge(a) rate/fee/rent/fare/toll/rental rate / reɪt ; NAmE reɪt /
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