rarefied ['rεərifaid]  


rarefied  ['rεərifaid]

adj. 稀薄的;纯化的 

All those lives maintained in the rarefied air of the absurd could not persevere without some profound and constant thought to infuse its strength into them. 没有某种深邃的思想一成不变地为之输入力量,所有这些在荒谬的稀薄空气中维持的生命都无法继续。
"We know that in birds this lung structure is part of the reason birds are good at exercising in rarefied air," said study leader C.G. Farmer, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Utah. “我们知道,鸟类的这种肺部结构部分上解释了为什么它们擅长在稀薄空气中运动,”作为研究组长的犹他大学进化生物学家C.G.Farmer说道。

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  • adj. 稀薄的;纯化的
  • 1. All those lives maintained in the rarefied air of the absurd could not persevere without some profound and constant thought to infuse its strength into them.


  • 2. "We know that in birds this lung structure is part of the reason birds are good at exercising in rarefied air," said study leader C.G. Farmer, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Utah.


  • 3. This is a rarefied segment of the denim business.


rar·efied / ˈreərɪfaɪd ; NAmE ˈrerəfaɪd / adjective [usually before noun ] 1 ( often disapproving) understood or experienced by only a very small group of people who share a particular area of knowledge or activity 高深精妙的;曲高和寡的 the rarefied atmosphere of academic life 阳春白雪的学术生活氛围 2 (of air 空气 ) containing less oxygenthan usual 稀薄的;含氧量低的 rar·efied / ˈreərɪfaɪd ; NAmE ˈrerəfaɪd /
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