race 英 [reɪs]   美 [reɪs]


race  英 [reɪs] 美 [reɪs]

n. 比赛,竞赛;种族  v. 比赛;急速运转 

进行时:racing  过去式:raced  过去分词:raced  第三人称单数:races  名词复数:races 

a race between the two best runners of the club 俱乐部中两名最佳选手的赛跑
a boat race, a horse race, a road race 划船比赛、赛马、公路赛等

  • Race means to speed or move quickly. A race is a contest to see who is moving the quickest. Race can also mean genetic grouping––if you are reading this, chances are you're a member of the "human race."
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  • n. 比赛,竞赛;种族
  • v. 比赛;急速运转
  • 1. a race between the two best runners of the club


  • 2. a boat race, a horse race, a road race


  • 3. a five-kilometre race


  • 4. the race for the presidency


  • 5. The race is on to find a cure for the disease.


  • 6. to go to the races


  • 7. people of mixed race


  • 8. a race of cattle


  • 9. Who will he be racing against in the next round?


  • 10. My mind raced as I tried to work out what was happening.


  • 11. He raced up the stairs.


  • 12. to race dogs, to race horses, to race pigeons


  • 13. to race motorbikes


  • race (n.1) "act of running," c. 1300, from Old Norse ras "running, rush (of water)," cognate with Old English ræs "a running, a rush, a leap, jump; a storming, an attack;" or else a survival of the Old English word with spelling influenced by the Old Norse one. The Norse and Old English words are from Proto-Germanic *res- (source also of Middle Dutch rasen "to rave, rage," German rasen, Old English raesettan "to rage" (of fire)), from a variant form of PIE *ers- (1) "be in motion" (see err). Originally a northern word, it became general in English c. 1550. Meaning "act of running" is from early 14c. Meaning "contest of speed" first recorded 1510s.
  • race (n.2) "people of common descent," a word from the 16th century, from Middle French race, earlier razza "race, breed, lineage, family" (16c.), possibly from Italian razza, of unknown origin (cognate with Spanish and Portuguese raza). Etymologists say no connection with Latin radix "root," though they admit this might have influenced the "tribe, nation" sense.
  • race (n.3) "strong current of water," c. 1300, originally any forward movement or swift running, but especially of water, from Old Norse ras "a rushing" (see race (n.1)). Via Norman French the word entered French as ras, which might have given English race its specialized meaning of "channel of a stream" (especially an artificial one to a mill), which is recorded in English from 1560s.
  • race (v.) c. 1200, rasen "to rush," from a Scandinavian source akin to the source of race (n.1), reinforced by the noun in English and by Old English cognate ræsan "to rush headlong, hasten, enter rashly." Meaning "run swiftly" is from 1757. Meaning "run in competition against" is from 1809. Transitive sense of "cause to run" is from 1860. In reference to an engine, etc., "run with uncontrolled speed," from 1862. Related: Raced; racing.
race / reɪs ; NAmE reɪs / noun , verb race races raced racing noun competition 竞赛 1 [countable ] race(between A and B) | race(against sb) a competition between people, animals, vehicles, etc. to see which one is the faster or fastest 赛跑;速度竞赛 a race between the two best runners of the club 俱乐部中两名最佳选手的赛跑 Who won the race? 谁赢了赛跑? He's already in training for the big race against Bailey. 为了跟贝利决一雌雄,他已经着手训练了。 Their horse came third in the race last year. 他们的马在去年的比赛中获得了第三名。 a boat/horse/road, etc. race 划船比赛、赛马、公路赛等 a five-kilometre race 五公里赛跑 Shall we have a raceto the end of the beach? 咱们比赛跑到海滩那一头,好吗? see also drag race , horse race 2 [singular ] a situation in which a number of people, groups, organizations, etc. are competing, especially for political power or to achieve sth first 竞争;角逐 race(for sth) the race for the presidency 总统竞选 race(to do sth) The race is on (= has begun)to find a cure for the disease. 人们开始争相寻找这种疾病的疗法。 see also rat race for horses 3 the races [plural ] a series of horse racesthat happen at one place on a particular day 赛马会 to go to the races 去参加赛马会 people 4 [countable ,  uncountable ] one of the main groups that humans can be divided into according to their physical differences, for example the colour of their skin 人种;种族 the Caucasian/Mongolian, etc. race 白种人、蒙古人种等 people of mixed race 混合种族的人 This custom is found in people of all races throughout the world. 这一习俗在全世界各种族中都有。 legislation against discrimination on the grounds of race or sex 反对种族和性别歧视的立法 5 [countable ] a group of people who share the same language, history, culture, etc. 民族 the Nordic races 北欧日耳曼民族 He admired Canadians as a hardy and determined race. 他敬佩加拿大人,因为他们是吃苦耐劳、意志坚定的民族。 see also human race animals/plants 动植物 6 [countable ] a breed or type of animal or plant 种;属;类;族 a race of cattle 一种牛 IDIOM a ˌrace against ˈtime/the ˈclock a situation in which you have to do sth or finish sth very fast before it is too late 和时间赛跑;抢时间;争分夺秒 more at horse n. verb compete 竞赛 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to compete against sb/sth to see who can go faster or the fastest, do sth first, etc; to take part in a race or races (和…)比赛;参加比赛 race(against sb/sth) Who will he be racing against in the next round? 下一轮他和谁比赛? They raced to a thrilling victory in the relay. 他们在接力赛中取得了激动人心的胜利。 She'll be racing for the senior team next year. 明年她将参加高级组别的比赛。 racesb/sth We raced each other back to the car. 我们争先恐后地跑回汽车那儿。 raceto do sth Television companies are racing to be the first to screen his life story. 几家电视公司争着将他的生平抢先搬上荧屏。 2 [transitive ] racesth to make an animal or a vehicle compete in a race 使比赛;让…参加速度比赛 to race dogs/horses/pigeons 赛狗;赛马;赛鸽 to race motorbikes 赛摩托车 move fast 快速运动 3 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to move very fast; to move sb/sth very fast (使)快速移动,快速运转 + adv./prep. He raced up the stairs. 他飞快地冲上楼去。 The days seemed to race past. 日子似乎很快就过去了。 racesb/sth + adv./prep. The injured man was raced to the hospital. 受伤者被迅速送往医院。 She raced her car through the narrow streets of the town. 她开着车在小镇狭窄的街道上飞快地穿行。 of heart/mind/thoughts 心;头脑;思想 4 [intransitive ] to function very quickly because you are afraid, excited, etc. (因为害怕、兴奋等)急速跳动,快速转动 My mind raced as I tried to work out what was happening. 我拚命地转动脑筋,想搞清楚发生了什么事。 She took a deep breath to calm her racing pulse. 她深深地吸了口气,想使急速跳动的脉搏平静下来。 of engine 发动机 5 [intransitive ] to run too fast 运转过快;空转 The truck came to rest against a tree, its engine racing. 卡车在一棵树旁停了下来,引擎空转着。 COLLOCATIONS 词语搭配 Race and immigration Prejudice and racism 偏见与种族歧视 experience/encounterracism/discrimination/prejudice/anti-semitism 经历/遭遇种族歧视/歧视/偏见/反犹太主义 face/sufferpersecution/discrimination 面临/遭受迫害/歧视 fear/escape from/fleeracial/political/religious persecution 惧怕/逃离种族/政治/宗教迫害 constitute/be a form ofracial/race discrimination 构成/是一种形式的种族歧视 reflect/reveal/show/havea racial/cultural bias 反映出/揭示出/表现出/具有种族/文化偏见 be biased/be prejudiced against( especially BrE) black people/( both especially NAmE) people of color/African Americans/Asians/Africans/Indians, etc. 对黑人/有色人种/非裔美国人/亚洲人/非洲人/印度人等有偏见 discriminate againstminority groups/minorities 歧视少数群体/少数民族 perpetuate/conform to/fit/defya common/popular/traditional/negative stereotype 固守/遵从/符合/藐视普遍的/流行的/传统的/负面的模式化观念 overcome/be blinded bydeep-seated/racial/( especially NAmE) race prejudice 克服根深蒂固的/种族的偏见;被根深蒂固的/种族的偏见所蒙蔽 entrench/perpetuateracist attitudes 固守种族主义的态度 hurl/shout( especially BrE) racist abuse; ( especially NAmE) a racist/racial/ethnic slur 高声地进行种族污辱 challenge/confrontracism/discrimination/prejudice 拒绝接受/对抗种族主义/歧视/偏见 combat/fight (against)/tackleblatant/overt/covert/subtle/institutional/systemic racism 防止/反对/处理公然的/公开的/隐蔽的/微妙的/制度性的种族歧视 Race and society 种族和社会 damage/improve( especially BrE) race relations 破坏/改善种族关系 practise/( especially US) practice(racial/religious) tolerance/segregation 实行(种族/宗教)容忍/隔离政策 bridge/break down/transcendcultural/racial barriers 消除/打破/超越文化/种族隔阂 encourage/promotesocial integration 鼓励/推进社会融合 outlaw/enddiscrimination/slavery/segregation 取缔/终止歧视/奴隶制/种族隔离 promote/embrace/celebratecultural diversity 促进/接受/颂扬文化多样性 conform to/challenge/violate(accepted/established/prevailing/dominant) social/cultural norms 遵循/挑战/违背(公认的/确立的/盛行的/占支配地位的)社会/文化规范 live ina multicultural society 生活在多元文化社会 attack/criticizemulticulturalism 攻击/批评多元文化主义 fight for/struggle for/promoteracial equality 为种族平等而斗争;促进种族平等 perpetuate/reinforceeconomic and social inequality 延续/加剧经济和社会的不平等 introduce/be for/be against( BrE) positive discrimination/( especially NAmE) affirmative action 推行/支持/反对积极性区别对待政策 support/be active in/play a leading role inthe civil rights movement 支持/积极参与/领导民权运动 Immigration 移居 control/restrict/limit/encourageimmigration 控制/限制/鼓励外来移民 attract/drawa wave of immigrants 吸引一批外来移民 assist/welcomerefugees 援助/欣然接受难民 house/shelterrefugees and asylum seekers 安置/庇护难民和寻求政治避难者 smuggleillegal immigrants into the UK 偷运非法移民到英国 deport/repatriateillegal immigrants/failed asylum seekers 驱逐/遣返非法移民/寻求政治避难失败者 assimilate/integratenew immigrants 同化/融合新移民 employ/hiremigrant workers 雇用流动工人 exploit/rely on(cheap/illegal) immigrant labour/( especially US) labor 剥削/依赖(廉价的/非法的)移民劳动力 apply for/gain/obtain/be granted/be denied(full) citizenship 申请/获得/准予/未准予(完全的)公民身份 have/holddual citizenship 持有双重国籍 race / reɪs ; NAmE reɪs /
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