- A quaver is a trembling or shaking sound, especially in a person's voice. When you give your first speech in front of a crowd, don't be surprised to hear a quaver in your voice.
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- vt. 颤抖
- vi. 颤抖;发颤音
- n. 颤抖;八分音符;颤音
1. 'I shouldn't mind learning why - why the sun do shine on the just and the unjust alike, ' she answered, with a slight quaver in her voice.
2. The gurgling resolved itself into words pronounced with a lingering ghastly quaver. "Hail Mary, Hara Ram, " Gold Teeth said, "the snakes are after me.
3. Her voice began to quaver as she acknowledged that she had been alone at home not just on her birthday, but for days and days.
- quaver (n.) 1560s, in music, "eighth note," from quaver (v.). Meaning "a tremble in the voice" is from 1748.
- quaver (v.) "to vibrate, tremble," early 15c., probably a frequentative of cwavien "to tremble, shake" (early 13c.), which probably is related to Low German quabbeln "tremble," and possibly of imitative origin. Meaning "sing in trills or quavers" first recorded 1530s. Related: Quavered; quavering.
qua·ver / ˈkweɪvə(r) ; NAmE ˈkweɪvər / verb , noun quaver quavers quavered quavering verb [intransitive , transitive ] (+ speech) if sb's voice quavers,it is unsteady, usually because the person is nervous or afraid (嗓音因紧张或害怕等)颤抖,颤动 ◆ ‘I'm not safe here, am I?’ she asked in a quavering voice. “我在这里不安全吧?”她用颤抖的声音问道。 ▶ qua·very / ˈkweɪvəri ; NAmE ˈkweɪvəri / adjective ◆ a quavery voice 颤抖的嗓音 noun 1 ( BrE) ( NAmE ˈeighth note ) ( music 音 ) a note that lasts half as long as a crotchet/quarter note 八分音符 2 [usually singular ] a shaking sound in sb's voice 颤抖的嗓音 qua·ver / ˈkweɪvə(r) ; NAmE ˈkweɪvər / qua·very / ˈkweɪvəri ; NAmE ˈkweɪvəri /
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