- Both meanings of quarry have to do with going after something. An animal being hunted is called quarry, and when you dig a hole in the earth looking for rocks, both the digging and the hole are called quarry as well.
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- n. 采石场;猎物
- v. 采石
1. a slate quarry
2. the site of a disused quarry
3. The hunters lost sight of their quarry in the forest.
4. The photographers pursued their quarry through the streets.
5. The local rock is quarried from the hillside.
6. There has been quarrying in the area for centuries.
- quarry (n.1) "what is hunted," early 14c., quirre "entrails of deer placed on the hide and given to dogs of the chase as a reward," from Anglo-French quirreie, Old French cuiriee "the spoil, quarry" (Modern French curée), altered (by influence of Old French cuir "skin," from Latin corium "hide"), from Old French corée "viscera, entrails," from Vulgar Latin *corata "entrails," from Latin cor "heart," from PIE root *kerd- "heart." Sense of "anything chased in hunt" is first recorded 1610s; earlier "bird targeted by a hawk or other raptor" (late 15c.).
- quarry (n.2) "open place where rocks are excavated," c. 1400 (mid-13c. as a place name), from Medieval Latin quareia, dissimilated from quarreria (mid-13c.), literally "place where stones are squared," from Latin quadrare "to make square," related to quadrus "a square," quattuor "four" (from PIE root *kwetwer- "four").
- quarry (v.) 1774, from quarry (n.2). Related: Quarried; quarrying.
quarry / ˈkwɒri ; NAmE ˈkwɔːri ; ˈkwɑːri / noun , verb quarry quarries quarried quarrying noun ( plural quarries ) 1 [countable ] a place where large amounts of stone, etc. are dug out of the ground 采石场 ◆ a slate quarry 板岩采石厂 ◆ the site of a disused quarry 废弃的采石场 ☞compare mine n. (1 ) 2 [singular ] an animal or a person that is being hunted or followed 被追猎的动物(或人);追捕的对象;猎物 SYN prey ◆ The hunters lost sight of their quarry in the forest. 猎人在森林里看不见他们的猎物了。 ◆ The photographers pursued their quarry through the streets. 摄影师满街捕捉拍摄对象。 verb ( quar·ries , quarry·ing , quar·ried , quar·ried ) [transitive , intransitive ] to take stone, etc. out of a quarry 从(采石场)采(石等) quarrysth (from/out of sth) ◆ The local rock is quarried from the hillside. 当地的石头都是从那片山坡开采的。 quarry(for) sth ◆ The area is being quarried for limestone. 这地方正在开采石灰石。 ▶ quarry·ing / ; NAmE / noun [uncountable ] ◆ There has been quarrying in the area for centuries. 这地方的采石业已有几百年了。 quarry / ˈkwɒri ; NAmE ˈkwɔːri ; ˈkwɑːri / quarry·ing / ; NAmE /
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