press 英 [pres]   美 [prɛs]


press  英 [pres] 美 [prɛs]

v. 压;按;  n. 压;按;出版社, ; 

进行时:pressing  过去式:pressed  过去分词:pressed  第三人称单数:presses  名词复数:presses 

the local press, the national press, the foreign press 地方╱全国╱外国报刊
the popular press 通俗报刊

  • To press something is to push it, like if you press an elevator button or press your friend to tell you a secret. If you get that secret, don’t leak it to the press, which is another word for news media.
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  • v. 压;按;
  • n. 压;按;出版社, ;
  • 1. the local press, the national press, the foreign press


  • 2. the popular press


  • 3. The story was reported in the press and on television.


  • 4. the music press, the sporting press


  • 5. The Press was not allowed to attend the trial.


  • 6. These prices are correct at the time of going to press.


  • 7. He gave the bell another press.


  • 8. She pressed her face against the window.


  • 9. She pressed her lips together.


  • 10. to press a button, to press a switch, to press a key


  • 11. She pressed down hard on the gas pedal.


  • 12. They are pressing us to make a quick decision.


  • 13. If pressed,he will admit it.


  • press (n.) c. 1300, presse, "crowd, throng, company; crowding and jostling of a throng; a massing together," from Old French presse (n.) "throng, crush, crowd; wine or cheese press" (11c.), from Latin pressare (see press (v.1)). Late Old English had press "clothes press."
  • press (v.1) "push against," early 14c., "to clasp, embrace;" mid-14c. "to squeeze out;" also "to cluster, gather in a crowd;" late 14c., "to press against, exert pressure," also "assault, assail;" also "forge ahead, push one's way, move forward," from Old French presser "squeeze, press upon; torture" (13c.), from Latin pressare "to press," frequentative formation from pressus, past participle of premere "to press, hold fast, cover, crowd, compress," from PIE root *per- (4) "to strike." Related: Pressed; pressing. Figurative sense is from late 14c. Meaning "to urge, argue for" is from 1590s.
  • press (v.2) "force into service," 1570s, alteration (by association with press (v.1)) of prest (mid-14c.) "engage by loan, pay in advance," especially money paid to a soldier or sailor on enlisting, from Latin praestare "to stand out, stand before; fulfill, perform, provide," from prae- "before" (see pre-) + stare "to stand," from PIE root *sta- "to stand, make or be firm." Related to praesto (adv.) "ready, available." Related: Pressed; pressing.
press / pres ; NAmE pres / noun , verb press presses pressed pressing noun newspapers 报章 1 ( oftenthe Press ) [singular + singular or plural verb ] newspapers and magazines 报章杂志;报刊;印刷媒体 the local/national/foreign press 地方╱全国╱外国报刊 the popular/tabloid press (= smaller newspapers with a lot of pictures and stories of famous people) 通俗报刊;小报 The story was reported in the pressand on television. 这件事已在报刊和电视上报道了。 the music/sporting press (= newspapers and magazines about music/sport) 音乐╱体育报刊 Unlike the American, the British press operates on a national scale. 与美国不同,英国报刊都是行销全国的。 the freedom of the Press/press freedom (= the freedom to report any events and express opinions) 新闻自由 The event is bound to attract wide press coverage (= it will be written about in many newspapers). 这个事件一定会在各报刊广泛报道。 see also gutter press 2 the press , the Press [singular + singular or plural verb ] the journalists and photographers who work for newspapers and magazines 记者;新闻工作者;新闻界 The Press was/were not allowed to attend the trial. 庭审谢绝新闻采访。 3 [singular ,  uncountable ] the type or amount of reports that newspapers write about sb/sth 报道;评论 The airline has had a bad pressrecently (= journalists have written unpleasant things about it). 这家航空公司最近受到新闻界的责难。 publishing/printing 出版;印刷 4 [countable ,  uncountable ] a machine for printing books, newspapers, etc; the process of printing them 印刷机;印刷 We were able to watch the books rolling off the presses. 我们可以看到书本从印刷机上源源不断地印出。 These prices are correct at the time of going to press. 这些价格在付印时是准确无误的。 a story that is hot off the press (= has just appeared in the newspapers) 刚刚见报的新闻报道 see also printing press , stop press 5 [countable ] a business that prints and publishes books 出版社;印刷所 Oxford University Press 牛津大学出版社 equipment for pressing 挤压设备 6 [countable ] ( especially in compounds 尤用于构成复合词 ) a piece of equipment that is used for creating pressure on things, to make them flat or to get liquid from them 压平机;压榨机;榨汁机 a trouser press 裤腿压折机 a garlic press 压蒜器 act of pushing 推压 7 [countable ,  usually singular ] an act of pushing sth with your hand or with a tool that you are holding 挤压;推;按 He gave the bell another press. 他又按了一下铃。 Those shirts need a press (= with an iron). 这些衬衣需要熨一熨。 crowd 群集 8 [singular ] a large number of people or things competing for space or movement 拥挤的人群(或大批事物) SYN throng the press of bodies all moving the same way 拥向同一方向的人群 cupboard 橱柜 9 [countable ] ( IrishE, ScotE) a large cupboard, usually with shelves, for holding clothes, books, etc. (分层)大壁橱,衣柜,书柜,碗柜 verb push/squeeze 推;挤 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to push sth closely and firmly against sth; to be pushed in this way (被)压,挤,推,施加压力 presssth/sb/yourself against sth She pressed her face against the window. 她把脸贴在窗子上。 presssth to sth He pressed a handkerchief to his nose. 他用手绢捂住鼻子。 presssth together She pressed her lips together. 她紧抿着双唇。 pressagainst sth His body was pressing against hers. 他的身体紧贴着她。 2 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to push or squeeze part of a device, etc. in order to make it work 按,压(使启动) presssth to press a button/switch/key 按下按钮╱开关;按键 presssth + adj. He pressed the lid firmly shut. 他把盖子盖得紧紧的。 (+ adv./prep.) Press here to open. 请按此处打开。 She pressed down hard on the gas pedal. 她用力踩下油门踏板。 3 [transitive ] presssth into/onto sth to put sth in a place by pushing it firmly 将…塞进;把…按入 He pressed a coin into her hand and moved on. 他把一枚硬币塞进她手里,然后继续向前走。 4 [transitive ] presssth to squeeze sb's hand or arm, especially as a sign of affection (深情地)紧握(某人的手或臂) 5 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. (of people in a crowd 人群 ) to move in the direction mentioned by pushing (向…)拥挤,推搡着移动 The photographers pressed around the royal visitors. 摄影记者们在王室贵宾周围挤来挤去。 ( figurative) A host of unwelcome thoughts were pressing in on him. 一大堆恼人的心事涌上他的心头。 try to persuade 劝说 6 [transitive ] to make strong efforts to persuade or force sb to do sth 催促;敦促;逼迫 SYN push , urge presssb If pressed,he will admit that he knew about the affair. 如果逼问他,他就会承认对此事知情。 presssb for sth The bank is pressing us for repayment of the loan. 银行正在催我们偿还贷款。 presssb to do sth They are pressing us to make a quick decision. 他们正催促我们尽快做决定。 presssb into sth/into doing sth Don't let yourself be pressed into doing something you don't like. 不要勉强自己做不喜欢的事情。 point/claim/case 观点;要求;事情 7 [transitive ] presssth to express or repeat sth with force 坚持;反复强调 I don't want to press the point,but you do owe me $200. 我不想老提这一点,但你确实欠我 200 元钱。 She is still pressing her claimfor compensation. 她仍然坚持索赔。 They were determined to press their caseat the highest level. 他们决心把事情闹到最高层。 make flat/smooth 弄平 8 [transitive ] to make sth flat or smooth by using force or putting sth heavy on top 把…压平;压扁 presssth pressed flowers (= pressed between the pages of a book) 夹在书页中间压扁的花 presssth + adj. Press the soil flat with the back of a spade. 用铁锹背面把土拍平。 9 [transitive ] presssth to make clothes smooth using a hot iron 熨平;烫平 SYN iron My suit needs pressing. 我的西服该熨了。 fruit/vegetables 蔬果 10 [transitive ] presssth to squeeze the juice out of fruit or vegetables by using force or weight 把…榨汁;压榨 metal 金属 11 [transitive ] to make sth from a material, using pressure 把…压成;压制 presssth to press a CD 压制一张光盘 presssth from/out of sth The car bodies are pressed out of sheets of metal. 汽车车身是用板金压制成的。 IDIOMS ˌpress (the) ˈflesh ( informal) (of a famous person or politician 名人或政治人物 ) to say hello to people by shaking hands 和群众握手致意 ˌpress sth ˈhome to get as much advantage as possible from a situation by attacking or arguing in a determined way 坚持不懈;争辩到底 to press home an attack/an argument/a point 把进攻╱论证╱论点坚持到底 Simon saw she was hesitating and pressed home his advantage. 西蒙见她犹豫不决,便趁机占尽优势。 ˌpress sb/sth into ˈservice to use sb/sth for a purpose that they were not trained or intended for because there is nobody or nothing else available 姑且使用;临时凑合 Every type of boat was pressed into service to rescue passengers from the sinking ferry. 为了营救下沉渡轮上的旅客,各类船只都被临时征用了。 more at button n. , charge n. , panic button PHRASAL VERBS ˌpress aˈhead/ˈon (with sth) to continue doing sth in a determined way; to hurry forward 坚决继续进行;匆忙前进;加紧 The company is pressing ahead with its plans for a new warehouse. 这家公司正加紧推动设置新仓库的计划。 ‘Shall we stay here for the night?’ ‘No, let's press on.’ “我们今晚在这里住下好吗?”“不,咱们继续走。” ˈpress for sth to keep asking for sth 不断要求 SYN demand , push for They continued to press for a change in the law. 他们不断要求修改这项法律。 ˈpress sth on sb to try to make sb accept sth, especially food or drink, although they may not want it 勉强某人接受;促某人吃(或喝) She kept pressing cake on us. 她非要我们吃蛋糕不可。 press / pres ; NAmE pres /
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