posted   美 [post]


posted  美 [post]

v. 贴出;通告(post的过去分词);布置  adj. 有地位的;被通报的 

The boy posted upstairs, taking three steps at once. 这男孩三步并作一步疾奔上楼。
I will keep you posted about the progress of my research. 我将把我的研究项目的进展情况汇报给你。

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  • v. 贴出;通告(post的过去分词);布置
  • adj. 有地位的;被通报的
  • 1. The boy posted upstairs, taking three steps at once.


  • 2. I will keep you posted about the progress of my research.


  • 3. The soldiers posted abroad in 2001 rotated home last year.


  • posted (adj.) "supplied with news," 1828, American English, past-participle adjective from post (v.2).
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