poor 英 [pɔ:(r)]   美 [pɔr]


poor  英 [pɔ:(r)] 美 [pɔr]

adj. 贫穷的;可怜的 

名词复数:poors  比较级:poorer  最高级:poorest 

a poor little girl 一个可怜(贫穷)的小姑娘
They were too poor to buy shoes for the kids.  他们穷得没钱给孩子买鞋穿。

  • Poor describes having little of something. If you lack needed food and shelter, you're poor, and if you fall below a standard or don't even try, you're giving a poor performance. Empty pockets and empty efforts both mean poor.
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  • adj. 贫穷的;可怜的
  • 1. a poor little girl


  • 2. They were too poor to buy shoes for the kids.


  • 3. a poor swimmer


  • 4. It's hungry—the poor little thing.


  • 5. It was raining heavily and visibility was poor.


  • 6. She's a good teacher but a poor manager.


  • poor (adj.) c. 1200, "lacking money or resources, destitute; needy, indigent; small, scanty," from Old French povre "poor, wretched, dispossessed; inadequate; weak, thin" (Modern French pauvre), from Latin pauper "poor, not wealthy," from pre-Latin *pau-paros "producing little; getting little," a compound from the roots of paucus "little" (from PIE root *pau- (1) "few, little") and parare "to produce, bring forth" (from PIE root *pere-(1) "to produce, procure").
  • poor (n.) "poor persons collectively," mid-12c., from poor (adj.). The Latin adjective pauper "poor" also was used in a noun sense "a poor man."
poor / pɔː(r) ; NAmE pɔːr / / pʊə(r) ; NAmE pʊr / adjective ( poor·er , poor·est ) having little money 拮据 1 having very little money; not having enough money for basic needs 贫穷的;贫寒的;清贫的 They were too poor to buy shoes for the kids. 他们穷得没钱给孩子买鞋穿。 We aim to help the poorest families. 我们的目标是接济最贫困的家庭。 It's among the poorer countries of the world. 它是世界上的贫穷国家之一。 OPP rich 2 the poor noun [plural ] people who have very little money 贫困者;穷人 They provided food and shelter for the poor. 他们为贫困者提供食物和住所。 OPP the rich unfortunate 不幸 3 [only before noun ] deserving pity and sympathy 可怜的;不幸的;令人同情的 Have you heard about poor oldHarry? His wife's left him. 你听说了老哈里的惨况吗?他妻子离他而去了。 It's hungry—the poor little thing. 它饿了,这可怜的小家伙。 ‘I have stacks of homework to do.’ ‘Oh, you poor thing. “我有一大堆的作业要做哪。”“唉呦,你好可怜哦。” not good 不好 4 not good; of a quality that is low or lower than expected 劣质的;差的;次的 the party's poor performance in the election 该党在选举中的表现欠佳 to be in poor health 身体不好 It was raining heavily and visibility was poor. 当时天下着大雨,能见度很低。 poor food/light/soil 劣质食品;昏暗的光线;贫瘠的土地 to have a poor opinion of sb (= to not think well of sb) 对某人评价很低 5 (of a person ) not good or skilled at sth 不擅长的;不熟练的 a poor swimmer 不擅游泳的人 a poor judge of character 不擅看人的人 She's a good teacher but a poor manager. 她长于教学,却拙于管理。 a poor sailor (= sb who easily gets sick at sea) 易晕船的人 having little of sth 匮乏 6 poorin sth having very small amounts of sth 缺乏;贫乏;缺少 a country poor in natural resources 自然资源贫乏的国家 soil poor in nutrients 养分不足的土壤 OPP rich IDIOMS be/come a poor second, third, etc. ( especially BrE) to finish a long way behind the winner in a race, competition, etc. (在体育竞赛等中)远远落后 the ˌpoor man's ˈsb/ˈsth a person or thing that is similar to but of a lower quality than a particular famous person or thing (比同类的名人显物)逊色的人(或物);次级货色 Sparkling white wine is the poor man's champagne. 白葡萄汽酒是廉价的香槟。 more at account n. SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 poor disadvantaged needy impoverished deprived penniless hard up These words all describe sb who has very little or no money and therefore cannot satisfy their basic needs. 以上各词均形容人贫穷、贫寒。 poor having very little money; not having enough money for basic needs 指贫穷的、贫寒的、清贫的: They were too poor to buy shoes for the kids. 他们穷得没钱给孩子买鞋穿。 disadvantaged having less money and fewer opportunities than most people in society 指生活条件差的、贫困的、社会地位低下的: socially disadvantaged sections of the community 该社区社会地位低下的贫困阶层 needy poor 指缺乏生活必需品的、贫困的: It's a charity that provides help for needy children. 这是一个为贫困孩子提供援助的慈善机构。 impoverished ( journalism) poor 指赤贫的、不名一文的: Thousands of impoverished peasants are desperate to move to the cities. 成千上万赤贫的农民急切盼望搬到城里去。 deprived [usually before noun] without enough food, education, and all the things that are necessary for people to live a happy and comfortable life 指贫穷的、穷困的、穷苦的 poor, needy, impoverished or deprived? 用 poor、needy、impoverished 还是 deprived? Pooris the most general of these words and can be used to describe yourself, another individual person, people as a group, or a country or an area. Needyis mostly used to describe people considered as a group: it is not used to talk about yourself or individual people. *poor 在这组词中最通用,可用以描述自己、另一个人、某个群体、国家或地区。needy 主要用以描述群体,不用以描述自己或个人: poor/needy children/families 贫困的孩子/家庭 They were too needy to buy shoes for the kids. Impoverishedis used, especially in journalism, to talk about poor countries and the people who live there. To talk about poor areas in rich countries, use deprived. *impoverished 尤用于新闻,指贫穷国家和生活在贫穷国家的人。指富裕国家的贫困地区用 deprived。 penniless ( literary) having no money; very poor 指一文不名的、穷困的: He died penniless in Paris. 他死于巴黎,死时身无分文。 hard up ( informal) having very little money, especially for a short period of time 尤指暂时拮据、缺钱: I was always hard up as a student. 我当学生时总是很拮据。 PATTERNS poor/disadvantaged/needy/impoverished/deprived/penniless/hard-up people / people poor/disadvantaged/needy/impoverished/deprived areas poor/disadvantaged/impoverished countries a(n) poor/disadvantaged/impoverished/deprived background poor poorer poorest poor / pɔː(r) ; NAmE pɔːr /
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