plumb 英 [plʌm]   美 [plʌm]


plumb  英 [plʌm] 美 [plʌm]

vt. 使垂直;探测,探索  n. 垂直;铅锤  adv. 恰恰,正;垂直地 

进行时:plumbing  过去式:plumbed  过去分词:plumbed  第三人称单数:plumbs  名词复数:plumbs 

Her favourite device was to imagine a picture not hanging quite plumb upon the wall, and then to proceed to straighten it. 她最喜欢的方法就是想像墙上的一幅画没有挂正,然后着手将它摆正。
Steel “fuses ” not structural elements absorbed the shock of an earthquake greater than magnitude 7 and cables pulled the building back into plumb once the shaking stopped. 钢铁“保险丝”,非结构部件,吸收超过7级的地震冲击,并且一旦摇晃停止,钢缆就会将建筑拉回垂直状态。

  • To plumb a body of water, you measure its depth. To plumb a house, you connect all of its pipes. To make carpentry plumb, you get it exactly vertical.
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  • vt. 使垂直;探测,探索
  • n. 垂直;铅锤
  • adv. 恰恰,正;垂直地
  • vi. 当管子工
  • adj. 垂直的
  • 1. Her favourite device was to imagine a picture not hanging quite plumb upon the wall, and then to proceed to straighten it.


  • 2. Steel “fuses ” not structural elements absorbed the shock of an earthquake greater than magnitude 7 and cables pulled the building back into plumb once the shaking stopped.


  • 3. But although we build robots in this manner—equipping them with sensors and computers to plumb the metric properties of their environments—evolution has taken a more complex route.

    但,即使是我们发明的机器人—— 它们能够通过传感器和计算机来进行探测性的度量——进化也远远比这个复杂得多。

  • plumb (adj.) "perpendicular, vertical," mid-15c., from plumb (n.). The notion of "exact measurement" led to extended sense of "completely, downright" (1748), sometimes spelled plump, plum, or plunk.
  • plumb (n.) "lead hung on a string to show the vertical line," early 14c., from Old French *plombe, plomee "sounding lead," and directly from Late Latin *plumba, originally plural of Latin plumbum "lead (the metal), lead ball; pipe; pencil," a word of unknown origin, related to Greek molybdos "lead" (dialectal bolimos) and perhaps from an extinct Mediterranean language, perhaps Iberian.
  • plumb (v.) early 15c., "to sink" (like lead), from plumb (n.). Meaning "take soundings with a plumb" is first recorded 1560s; figurative sense of "to get to the bottom of" is from 1590s. Related: Plumbed; plumbing.
plumb / plʌm ; NAmE plʌm / verb , adverb plumb plumbs plumbed plumbing verb plumbsth ( literary) to try to understand or succeed in understanding sth mysterious 探索;钻研;探究 SYN fathom She spent her life plumbing the mysteries of the human psyche. 她毕生探索人类心灵的奥秘。 IDIOM plumb the depths of sth to be or to experience an extreme example of sth unpleasant 陷入(痛苦等的)深渊;深入…深处 His latest novel plumbs the depths of horror and violence. 他的最新小说简直是充斥着极端恐怖和暴力的代表作。 The team's poor performances plumbed new depthslast night when they lost 10-2. 昨晚这个队的糟糕表现达到了新低纪录,以 2:10 输掉了。 PHRASAL VERB ˌplumb sth↔ˈin ( especially BrE) to connect a washing machine,toilet, etc. to the water supply in a building 把(洗衣机、马桶等)与水管连接 adverb 1 ( used before prepositions 用于介词前 ) exactly 恰恰;正好 He was standing plumb in the middle of the road. 他站在路正中间。 2 ( old-fashioned) ( NAmE informal) completely 完全;彻底 He's plumb crazy. 他彻底疯了。 plumb / plʌm ; NAmE plʌm /
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