play 英 [pleɪ]   美 [pleɪ]


play  英 [pleɪ] 美 [pleɪ]

vt. 游戏;扮演;演奏;播放;  vi. 演奏;玩耍;  n. 游戏;比赛; 

进行时:playing  过去式:played  过去分词:played  第三人称单数:plays  名词复数:plays 

You'll have to play inside today.  你今天只能在屋里玩耍。
Let's play a different game.  咱们玩点别的游戏吧。

  • A play is a dramatic work that's written to be staged in a theater and in front of an audience. Your city might offer a free Shakespeare play in the park every year.
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  • vt. 游戏;扮演;演奏;播放;
  • vi. 演奏;玩耍;
  • n. 游戏;比赛;
  • 1. You'll have to play inside today.


  • 2. Let's play a different game.


  • 3. Play the piano/violin/flute


  • 4. a radio play

    广播剧 (play也是戏剧的意思)

  • 5. to play football/chess/cards, etc.


  • 6. France are playing Wales tomorrow.


  • 7. Evans played very well.


  • 8. Who's playing on the wing?


  • 9. Play me their new CD, please.


  • 10. I decided it was safer to play dead.


  • 11. He played the situation carefully for maximum advantage.


  • play (n.) Old English plega (West Saxon), plæga (Anglian) "quick motion; recreation, exercise, any brisk activity" (the latter sense preserved in swordplay, etc.), from or related to Old English plegan (see play (v.)). By early Middle English it could mean variously, "a game, a martial sport, activity of children, joke or jesting, revelry, sexual indulgence."
  • play (v.) Old English plegan, plegian "move rapidly, occupy or busy oneself, exercise; frolic; make sport of, mock; perform music," from West Germanic *plegan "occupy oneself about" (source also of Old Saxon plegan "vouch for, take charge of," Old Frisian plega "tend to," Middle Dutch pleyen "to rejoice, be glad," German pflegen "take care of, cultivate"), from PIE root *dlegh- "to engage oneself, be or become fixed."
play / pleɪ ; NAmE pleɪ / verb , noun play plays played playing verb of children 儿童 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to do things for pleasure, as children do; to enjoy yourself, rather than work 玩耍;游戏;玩乐 You'll have to play inside today. 你今天只能在屋里玩耍。 There's a time to work and a time to play. 工作、玩耍皆有时。 playwith sb/sth A group of kids were playing with a ball in the street. 一群孩子在街上玩球。 I haven't got anybody to play with! 没有人跟我玩儿! playsth Let's play a different game. 咱们玩点别的游戏吧。 synonyms at entertainment 2 [transitive ,  no passive ,  intransitive ] to pretend to be or do sth for fun (为玩耍)假装,假扮 playsth Let's play pirates. 咱们假扮海盗玩吧。 playat doing sth They were playing at being cowboys. 他们装扮成牛仔玩。 trick 把戏 3 [transitive ] playa trick/tricks (on sb) to trick sb for fun 捉弄;戏弄 sports/games 运动;比赛 4 [transitive ,  intransitive ] play(sth) (with/against sb) to be involved in a game; to compete against sb in a game 参加比赛;(同某人)比赛 playsth to play football/chess/cards, etc. 踢足球、下棋、玩纸牌等 playsb France are playing Wales tomorrow. 明天法国队和威尔士队比赛。 playsb at sth Have you played her at squash yet? 你跟她打过壁球没有? playfor sb He plays for Cleveland. 他代表克利夫兰参赛。 playagainst sb France are playing against Wales on Saturday. 星期六法国队迎战威尔士队。 + adv./prep. Evans played very well. 埃文斯比赛很出色。 5 [intransitive ] to take a particular position in a sports team (在运动队中)担当,充任 + adv./prep. Who's playing on the wing? 谁担任边锋? + noun I've never played right back before. 我过去从来未当过右后卫。 6 [transitive ] playsb (+ adv./prep.) to include sb in a sports team 派…出场;让…加入运动队 I think we should play Matt on the wing. 我认为我们应该让麦特打边锋。 7 [transitive ] playsth to make contact with the ball and hit or kick it in the way mentioned 触,带,踢,击(球) She played the ball and ran forward. 她带球向前冲。 He played a backhand volley. 他用反手截击球。 8 [transitive ] playsth (in chess 国际象棋 ) to move a piece in chess,etc. 走(子);行(棋) She played her bishop. 她走象。 9 [transitive ,  intransitive ] play(sth) (in card games 纸牌游戏 ) to put a card face upwards on the table, showing its value 出牌 to play your ace/a trump 出 A ╱王牌 He played out of turn! 他抢出牌! music 音乐 10 [transitive ,  intransitive ] play(sth) (on sth) to perform on a musical instrument; to perform music 弹拨,吹奏(乐器);演奏 play(sth) to play the piano/violin/flute, etc. 弹钢琴、拉小提琴、吹长笛等 In the distance a band was playing. 远处有个乐队在演奏。 playsth (on sth) He played a tune on his harmonica. 他用口琴吹奏了一支曲子。 playsth to sb Play that new piece to us. 给我们演奏那支新曲子吧。 playsb sth Play us that new piece. 给我们演奏那支新曲子吧。 11 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to make a tape, CD, etc. produce sound 播放 playsth (for sb) Play their new CD for me, please. 请把他们的新唱片放给我听一下吧。 play(sb sth) Play me their new CD, please. 请给我放一下他们的新唱片吧。 My favourite song was playing on the radio. 收音机里播放着我最喜爱的歌曲。 For some reason this CD won't play. 不知什么原因,这张唱片不能播放。 DVD/video *DVD 光盘;视频 12 [intransitive ,  transitive ] (of a DVD or video *DVD 光盘或视频 ) to start working; to make a DVD or video start working 开始播放;播放(光盘或视频) This DVD won't play on my computer. 这张 DVD 光盘在我的电脑上不能播放。 playsth Click below to play videos. 点击下方播放视频。 act/perform 扮演;演出 13 [transitive ] playsth to act in a play, film/movie, etc; to act the role of sb (在电影、话剧中)扮角色,扮演,表演 The part of Elizabeth was played by Cate Blanchett. 伊丽莎白这一角色由凯特 · 布兰切特扮演。 He had always wanted to play Othello. 他一直想扮演奥赛罗。 14 [intransitive ] to pretend to be sth that you are not 佯装;假装 + adj. I decided it was safer to play dead. 我拿定主意装死会更安全些。 + noun She enjoys playing the wronged wife. 她很喜欢扮演受委屈的妻子。 15 [intransitive ] play(to sb) to be performed 上演;演出 A production of ‘Carmen’ was playing to packed houses. 《卡门》一剧上演场场爆满。 have effect 起作用 16 [transitive ] ~ a part/role (in sth) to have an effect on sth 发挥作用 The media played an important part in the last election. 大众传媒在上一次选举中发挥了重要作用。 situation 局面 17 [transitive ] playsth + adv./prep. to deal with a situation in the way mentioned (以某种方式)应付,处理 He played the situation carefully for maximum advantage. 他谨慎应付局面以获得最大利益。 of light/a smile 光;微笑 18 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. to move or appear quickly and lightly, often changing direction or shape 闪烁;浮现;掠过 Sunlight played on the surface of the lake. 阳光在湖面上闪烁。 of fountain 喷泉 19 [intransitive ] when a fountain plays,it produces a steady stream of water 喷涌;涌流 IDIOMS Most idioms containing playare at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example play the gameis at game. 大多数含 play 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 play the game 在词条 game 下。 have money, time, etc. to ˈplay with ( informal) to have plenty of money, time, etc. for doing sth 有的是金钱(或时间等) what is sb ˈplaying at? used to ask in an angry way about what sb is doing (气愤时的质问语)某人在搞什么名堂? What do you think you are playing at? 你以为你在搞什么名堂? ˈplay with yourself ( informal) to masturbate 手淫 PHRASAL VERBS ˌplay aˈbout/aˈround (with sb/sth) 1 to behave or treat sth in a careless way 玩弄;乱弄;胡弄 Don't play around with my tools! 别瞎摆弄我的工具! 2 ( informal) to have a sexual relationship with sb, usually with sb who is not your usual partner 鬼混;厮混 Her husband is always playing around. 她的丈夫总是在外拈花惹草。 ˌplay aˈlong (with sb/sth) to pretend to agree with sb/sth 假意顺从 I decided to play along with her idea. 我决定假意听从她的意见。 ˈplay at sth/at doing sth ( often disapproving) to do sth without being serious about it or putting much effort into it 敷衍应付;虚与委蛇 play aˈway (from home) ( BrE) 1 (of a sports team 体育运动队 ) to play a match at the opponent's ground or stadium 在客场打比赛 2 (of a person who is married or who has a regular sexual partner 已婚或有固定性伴侣者 ) to have a secret sexual relationship with sb else 有外遇;搞婚外恋 ˌplay sth↔ˈback (to sb) to play music, film, etc. that has been recorded on a tape, video, etc. 播放录音(或录像等) Play that last section back to me again. 把最后一节再给我放一次。 related noun playback ˌplay sth↔ˈdown to try to make sth seem less important than it is 减低…的重要性;贬低;淡化 SYN downplay OPP play up ˌplay A ˈoff against B ( BrE) ( NAmE ˈplay A off B ) to put two people or groups in competition with each other, especially in order to get an advantage for yourself 挑拨离间(以便渔利) She played her two rivals off against each other and got the job herself. 她挑拨两个对手相争,使自己弄到了那份工作。 related noun play-off ˌplay ˈon ( sport ) to continue to play; to start playing again 继续比赛;恢复比赛 The home team claimed a penalty but the referee told them to play on. 主队要求判罚,但裁判却要他们继续比赛。 ˈplay on/upon sth to take advantage of sb's feelings, etc. 利用(感情等) SYN exploit Advertisements often play on people's fears. 广告常利用人们的恐惧心理。 ˌplay sth↔ˈout when an event is played out,it happens 发生;出现 SYN enact Their love affair was played out against the backdrop of war. 他们在战争的背景下发生恋情。 ˌplay yourself/itself ˈout to become weak and no longer useful or important 消耗净尽;使精疲力竭 ˌplay ˈup | ˌplay sb ˈup ( informal) ( especially BrE) to cause sb problems or pain (给某人)添麻烦;使痛苦 The kids have been playing up all day. 孩子们整天价惹麻烦。 My shoulder is playing me up today. 我的肩膀今天疼起来了。 ˌplay sth↔ˈup to try to make sth seem more important than it is 夸大…的重要性;渲染;吹嘘 SYN overplay OPP play down ˈplay with sb/sth to treat sb who is emotionally attached to you in a way that is not serious and which can hurt their feelings 玩弄人;玩弄感情 She tends to play with men's emotions. 她总是玩弄男人的感情。 She realized that Patrick was merely playing with her. 她意识到帕特里克只是和她逢场作戏而已。 ˈplay with sth 1 to keep touching or moving sth 摆弄;玩弄 She was playing with her hair. 她在抚弄自己的头发。 Stop playing with your food! 别老是摆弄食物! 2 to use things in different ways to produce an interesting or humorous effect, or to see what effect they have 巧妙地利用;新奇(或幽默等地)运用 In this poem Fitch plays with words which sound alike. 在这首诗中,菲奇巧妙地运用了些近音词。 The composer plays with the exotic sounds of Japanese instruments. 作曲者运用了日本乐器的异国音调。 noun children 儿童 1 [uncountable ] things that people, especially children, do for pleasure rather than as work 游戏;玩耍;娱乐 the happy sounds of children at play 儿童嬉戏的欢闹声 the importance of learning through play 寓教于乐的重要性 a play area 游戏的场地 in theatre 剧院 2 [countable ] a piece of writing performed by actors in a theatre or on television or radio 戏剧;剧本 to put on (= perform)a play 演出戏剧 a play by Shakespeare 一出莎士比亚的戏剧 a radio play 广播剧 see also mystery play , Passion play in sport 体育运动 3 [uncountable ] the playing of a game 比赛;赛风;比赛中的表现 Rain stopped play. 因雨停赛。 There was some excellent play in yesterday's match. 昨天的比赛有精彩的场面。 see also fair play , foul play  (2 ) 4 [countable ] ( NAmE) an action or move in a game 比赛中的动作 a defensive play 防守动作 in rope 绳索 5 [uncountable ] the possibility of free and easy movement 间隙;活动空间 We need more play in the rope. 我们需要再松一松绳子。 activity/influence 活动;影响 6 [uncountable ] the activity or operation of sth; the influence of sth on sth else 活动;作用;影响 the free play of market forces 市场力量的自由调节作用 The financial crisis has broughtnew factors into play. 财政危机已引发了新的变数。 Personal feelings should not come into playwhen you are making business decisions. 为公事作决策不应掺入个人感情。 of light/a smile 光;笑容 7 [uncountable ] ( literary) a light, quick movement that keeps changing 轻快变幻的动作;闪烁;闪现 the play of sunlight on water 阳光在水面上的闪烁 IDIOMS have a ˈplay (with sth) to spend time playing with a toy, game, etc. 玩(玩具、游戏等) I had a play with the new computer game. 我玩了一下这个新的电脑游戏。 in/out of ˈplay ( sport ) (of a ball ) inside/outside the area allowed by the rules of the game 在非死球╱死球区域;在可继续╱不能继续比赛区域 She just managed to keep the ball in play. 她把球勉强保持在界内。 make a ˈplay for sb/sth to try to obtain sth; to do things that are intended to produce a particular result 企图得到;处心积虑做事 She was making a play for the sales manager's job. 她千方百计要取得销售部经理的位置。 make great/much ˈplay of sth to emphasize the importance of a particular fact 强调;着重说明 He made great play of the fact that his uncle was a duke. 他特别强调自己的叔父是位公爵。 a play on ˈwords the humorous use of a word or phrase that can have two different meanings 双关语;语带双关 SYN pun more at call v. , child , state n. , work n. play / pleɪ ; NAmE pleɪ /
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