outboard 英 [ˈaʊtbɔ:d]   美 [ˈaʊtbɔrd]


outboard  英 [ˈaʊtbɔ:d] 美 [ˈaʊtbɔrd]

adj. 外侧的;船外的  adv. 在舷外,在外部 


In this case the outboard functions like an inboard with many of the advantages of both. 这样这台舷外发动机就像舷内发动机一样,并兼得两者的优点。
With a very large outboard motor, for example, the boat may be imbalanced by having that weight far astern and may "squat" in the water and not sail as well. 例如,如果装了一台很大的舷外发动机,船只可能会因其重量而变得不平衡,尾部偏重,用俗话说倾向于在水中“蹲着”,而影响航行。

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  • adj. 外侧的;船外的
  • adv. 在舷外,在外部
  • 1. In this case the outboard functions like an inboard with many of the advantages of both.


  • 2. With a very large outboard motor, for example, the boat may be imbalanced by having that weight far astern and may "squat" in the water and not sail as well.


  • 3. We found ourselves on the beach, surrounded by untidy-looking crates and bundles, together with the small boat and its outboard motor which would be our only link with civilization.


  • outboard (adj.) "situated on the outside of a ship," 1823, from out + board (n.2). In reference to motors, from 1909.
out·board / ˈaʊtbɔːd ; NAmE ˈaʊtbɔːrd / adjective ( technical 术语 ) on, towards or near the outside of a ship or an aircraft (船或飞机)外侧的,靠近外侧的,舷外的 outboard outboards out·board / ˈaʊtbɔːd ; NAmE ˈaʊtbɔːrd /
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