otherwise 英 [ˈʌðəwaɪz]   美 [ˈʌðərwaɪz]


otherwise  英 [ˈʌðəwaɪz] 美 [ˈʌðərwaɪz]

adv. 否则;另外  conj. 其他;否则 

My parents lent me the money. Otherwise, I couldn't have afforded the trip. 我父母借钱给我了。否则,我可付不起这次旅费。
Shut the window, otherwise it'll get too cold in here. 把窗户关好,不然屋子里就太冷了。

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  • adv. 否则;另外
  • conj. 其他;否则
  • 1. My parents lent me the money. Otherwise, I couldn't have afforded the trip.


  • 2. Shut the window, otherwise it'll get too cold in here.


  • 3. He was slightly bruised but otherwise unhurt.


  • 4. You know what this is about. Why pretend otherwise ?


  • 5. I wanted to see him but he was otherwise engaged .


  • 6. We insure against all damage, accidental or otherwise.


  • otherwise (adv.) contracted from Old English phrase on oðre wisan "in the other manner" (see other + wise (n.)), which in Middle English became oþre wise, and mid-14c. oþerwise. As an adjective from c. 1400.
other·wise / ˈʌðəwaɪz ; NAmE ˈʌðərwaɪz / adverb 1 used to state what the result would be if sth did not happen or if the situation were different 否则;不然 My parents lent me the money. Otherwise, I couldn't have afforded the trip. 我父母借钱给我了。否则,我可付不起这次旅费。 Shut the window, otherwise it'll get too cold in here. 把窗户关好,不然屋子里就太冷了。 We're committed to the project. We wouldn't be here otherwise. 我们是全心全意投入这项工作的,否则我们就不会到这里来了。 2 apart from that 除此以外 There was some music playing upstairs. Otherwise the house was silent. 楼上有些音乐声。除此以外,房子里静悄悄的。 He was slightly bruised but otherwise unhurt. 他除了一点青肿之外没有受伤。 3 in a different way to the way mentioned; differently 以其他方式;另;亦 Bismarck, otherwise known as‘the Iron Chancellor’ 俾斯麦,亦称为“铁血首相” It is not permitted to sell or otherwise distribute copies of past examination papers. 不准出售或以其他方式散发过去的试卷。 You know what this is about. Why pretend otherwise (= that you do not)? 你明明知道这是怎么回事,为什么装作不知道? I wanted to see him but he was otherwise engaged (= doing sth else). 我想见他,但他正忙着别的事情。 IDIOM or otherwise used to refer to sth that is different from or the opposite of what has just been mentioned 或其他情况;或相反 It was necessary to discover the truth or otherwise of these statements. 有必要查证这些说法是真是假。 We insure against all damage, accidental or otherwise. 我们的保险包括一切意外或其他损失。 more at know v. other·wise / ˈʌðəwaɪz ; NAmE ˈʌðərwaɪz /
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