ornately [ɔ:'neitli]  


ornately  [ɔ:'neitli]

adv. 装饰过分地;词藻华丽地 

The Ba disappeared after 316 B.C. with the invasion of the Qing Dynasty, and their whimsical animal statues and ornately inscribed daggers are all that is left behind. 巴文化在公元前316年左右由于强大的秦朝的入侵而消失,造型怪异的动物雕像和华丽雕刻的匕首成了他们仅存的遗物。
Females are generally larger than males, but males are more ornately colored, ranging from dark green to lime-colored. 雌蛙一般比雄蛙大,但雄蛙颜色更华丽,从深绿到灰土色都有。

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  • adv. 装饰过分地;词藻华丽地
  • 1. The Ba disappeared after 316 B.C. with the invasion of the Qing Dynasty, and their whimsical animal statues and ornately inscribed daggers are all that is left behind.


  • 2. Females are generally larger than males, but males are more ornately colored, ranging from dark green to lime-colored.


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