


v. 斩首;杀头(decapitate的过去分词) 

In the 17th century, historians note, there were two civil wars and one king decapitated. 17世纪,历史学家提到有两场国内战争和一个被斩首的国王。
Finally they would be decapitated and dismembered; their body parts would be publicly displayed, eaten by the birds as they decomposed. 最后,再将他们斩首,割断手足。 身体残骸则公开示众,腐烂后,则被鸟儿啄食。

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  • v. 斩首;杀头(decapitate的过去分词)
  • 1. In the 17th century, historians note, there were two civil wars and one king decapitated.


  • 2. Finally they would be decapitated and dismembered; their body parts would be publicly displayed, eaten by the birds as they decomposed.

    最后,再将他们斩首,割断手足。 身体残骸则公开示众,腐烂后,则被鸟儿啄食。

  • 3. Mexican authorities are investigating the violent deaths of eight soldiers, whose decapitated bodies were found after one of the most brazen attacks yet by the country's drug cartels.


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