organic 英 [ɔ:ˈgænɪk]   美 [ɔrˈgænɪk]


organic  英 [ɔ:ˈgænɪk] 美 [ɔrˈgænɪk]

adj. [有化] 有机的;组织的;器官的;根本的 


Take your litter with you unless it is organic. 要随身携带垃圾袋,除非是有机的。
But people get that they’re all handmade, local, often organic. 但人们得到那些全手工的、本地的,通常是有机的。

  • If you take up organic farming, be sure to use organic fertilizer, not some artificial chemical. Organic describes things that are natural or related to nature.
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  • adj. [有化] 有机的;组织的;器官的;根本的
  • 1. Take your litter with you unless it is organic.


  • 2. But people get that they’re all handmade, local, often organic.


  • 3. While on the road outside of the city, I noted at least one sign for an organic farm.


  • organic (adj.) 1510s, "serving as an organ or instrument," from Latin organicus, from Greek organikos "of or pertaining to an organ, serving as instruments or engines," from organon "instrument" (see organ). Sense of "from organized living beings" is first recorded 1778 (earlier this sense was in organical, mid-15c.). Meaning "free from pesticides and fertilizers" first attested 1942. Organic chemistry is attested from 1831.
or·gan·ic / ɔːˈɡænɪk ; NAmE ɔːrˈɡænɪk / adjective [usually before noun ] 1 (of food, farming methods, etc. 食品、耕作方式等 ) produced or practised without using artificial chemicals 有机的;不使用化肥的;绿色的 organic cheese/vegetables/wine, etc. 有机奶酪、蔬菜、酒等 an organic farmer/gardener 实行有机栽培的农民╱园艺师 organic farming/horticulture 有机耕作╱园艺 2 produced by or from living things 有机物的;生物的 Improve the soil by adding organic matter. 加入有机物以改良土壤。 organic compounds 有机化合物 OPP inorganic 3 ( technical 术语 ) connected with the organs of the body 器官的;器质性的;官能的 organic disease 器官疾病 4 ( formal) consisting of different parts that are all connected to each other 有机的;统一的;关联的 the view of society as an organic whole 视社会为一有机体的观点 5 ( formal) happening in a slow and natural way, rather than suddenly 逐渐的;演进的;自然的 the organic growth of foreign markets 国外市场的逐步发展 or·gan·ic·al·ly / ɔːˈɡænɪkli ; NAmE ɔːrˈɡænɪkli / adverb organically grown fruit 用有机方式种植的水果 The cardboard disintegrates organically. 硬纸板是会自然分解的。 Doctors could find nothing organically wrong with her. 医生找不出她的器官有什么毛病。 The organization should be allowed to develop organically. 应该让这个组织逐步发展。 or·gan·ic / ɔːˈɡænɪk ; NAmE ɔːrˈɡænɪk / or·gan·ic·al·ly / ɔːˈɡænɪkli ; NAmE ɔːrˈɡænɪkli /
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