organ 英 [ˈɔ:gən]   美 [ˈɔrgən]


organ  英 [ˈɔ:gən] 美 [ˈɔrgən]

n. 器官;机关,机构;风琴 


the internal organs 内脏
the sense organs  感觉器官

  • An organ is a part of your body that performs a specific function: like your brain, lungs, or skin.
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  • n. 器官;机关,机构;风琴
  • 1. the internal organs


  • 2. the sense organs


  • 3. an organ transplant, an organ donor


  • 4. the male organ


  • 5. She plays the organ in church.


  • 6. an electric organ


  • 7. the organs of government


  • organ (n.) fusion of late Old English organe, and Old French orgene (12c.), both meaning "musical instrument," both from Latin organa, plural of organum "a musical instrument," from Greek organon "implement, tool for making or doing; musical instrument; organ of sense, organ of the body," literally "that with which one works," from PIE *werg-ano-, from root *werg- "to do."
organ / ˈɔːɡən ; NAmE ˈɔːrɡən / noun 1 a part of the body that has a particular purpose, such as the heart or the brain; part of a plant with a particular purpose (人体或动植物的)器官 the internal organs 内脏 the sense organs (= the eyes, ears, nose, etc.) 感觉器官 the sexual/reproductive organs 性╱生殖器官 an organ transplant/donor 器官移植╱捐赠者 2 ( especially humorous) a penis 阴茎;阳物 the male organ 雄性性器官 3 ( also ˈpipe organ ) a large musical instrument with keys like a piano. Sounds are produced by air forced through pipes. 管风琴 She plays the organ in church. 她在教堂负责弹奏管风琴。 organ music 管风琴曲 compare harmonium 4 a musical instrument similar to a pipe organ,but without pipes 风琴 an electric organ 电子琴 see also barrel organ , mouth organ 5 ( formal) an official organization that is part of a larger organization and has a special purpose (官方的)机构,机关 the organs of government 政府机关 6 ( formal) a newspaper or magazine that gives information about a particular group or organization; a means of communicating the views of a particular group 机关报刊;(某团体的)宣传工具 The People's Daily is the official organ of the Chinese Communist Party. 《人民日报》是中国共产党的官方报纸。 organ organs organ / ˈɔːɡən ; NAmE ˈɔːrɡən /
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