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- adv. 一次;曾经
- conj. 一旦
- n. 一次,一回
1. Once I caught a fish.
2. He once lived in Shanghai.
3. I have been there once.
4. I once met your mother.
5. The water is fine once you're in!
- once (adv.) c. 1200, anes, from ane "one" (see one ) + adverbial genitive. Replaced Old English æne. Spelling changed as pronunciation shifted from two syllables to one after c. 1300. Pronunciation change to "wuns" parallels that of one. As an emphatic, meaning "once and for all," it is attested from c. 1300, but this now is regarded as a Pennsylvania German dialect formation. Meaning "in a past time" (but not necessarily just one time) is from mid-13c.
once ★ / wʌns ; NAmE wʌns / adverb , conjunction adverb ★ 1 ★ on one occasion only; one time 仅一次;一次 ◆ I've only been there once. 我只去过那里一次。 ◆ He cleans his car once aweek. 他每周洗一次汽车。 ◆ She only sees her parents once everysix months. 她每半年才探望一次父母。 ◆ ( informal) He only did it the once. 这种事儿他仅仅干过一次。 2 ★ at some time in the past 曾;曾经 ◆ I once met your mother. 我曾经见过你母亲。 ◆ He once lived in Zambia. 他曾在赞比亚生活过。 ◆ This book was famous once, but nobody reads it today. 这本书曾名噪一时,但现在却无人问津。 3 used in negative sentences and questions, and after ifto mean ‘ever’ or ‘at all’ (用于否定句、疑问句和 if 后)曾,根本 ◆ He never once offered to help. 他从没有主动提出过帮忙。 ◆ If she once decides to do something, you won't change her mind. 她一旦决定干什么,谁也改变不了她的主意。 IDIOMS ˌall at ˈonce 1 ★ suddenly 突然;骤然;忽然 ◆ All at once she lost her temper. 她突然大发脾气。 2 ★ all together; at the same time 一起;同时 SYN simultaneously ◆ I can't do everything all at once—you'll have to be patient. 我不能万事一把抓呀。你可急不得。 at ˈonce 1 ★ immediately; without delay 立即;马上 ◆ Come here at once! 马上到这里来! 2 at the same time 同时 SYN simultaneously ◆ Don't all speak at once! 不要大家同时讲! ◆ I can't do two things at once. 我不能同时做两件事。 (just) for ˈonce | just this ˈonce ( informal) on this occasion (which is in contrast to what happens usually) 仅此一次(与通常情况对比而言) ◆ Just for once he arrived on time. 只有这一次他按时到了。 ◆ Can't you be nice to each other just this once? 难道你们就不能彼此客气哪怕一次? going ˈonce, going ˈtwice, ˈsold ( especially NAmE) ( BrE also ˌgoing, ˌgoing, ˈgone ) said by an auctioneerto show that an item has been sold (拍卖师用语)一次,二次,成交 ★ once aˈgain | once ˈmore one more time; another time 再一次;再次 ◆ Once again the train was late. 火车又一次晚点了。 ◆ Let me hear it just once more. 让我再听一遍。 once a…, always a… used to say that sb cannot change (表示一个人不能改变) 一次为…便永远是… ◆ Once an actor, always an actor. 一朝从艺,永为艺人。 once and for ˈall now and for the last time; finally or completely 最终地;最后地;彻底地;一次了结地 ◆ We need to settle this once and for all. 我们需要把这事一次解决。 ˌonce ˈbitten, ˌtwice ˈshy ( saying) after an unpleasant experience you are careful to avoid sth similar 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳 once in a blue ˈmoon ( informal) very rarely 极少地;难得地;破天荒地 (every) ˌonce in a ˈwhile occasionally 偶尔地;间或 ★ ˌonce or ˈtwice a few times 一两次;几次 ◆ I don't know her well, I've only met her once or twice. 我跟她不很熟,我只见过她一两次。 ˌonce too ˈoften used to say that sb has done sth wrong or stupid again, and this time they will suffer because of it 侥幸难再 ◆ You've tried that trick once too often. 你故伎重施,可这次再逃不脱了。 ˌonce upon a ˈtime used, especially at the beginning of stories, to mean ‘a long time in the past’ (用于故事的开头)从前,很久以前 ◆ Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess. 从前,有一位美丽的公主。 conjunction ★ as soon as; when 一…就;一旦;当…时候 ◆ We didn't know how we would cope once the money had gone. 一旦钱花光了,我们就不知道该怎么办了。 ◆ The water is fine once you're in! 你一旦下了水,就会觉得水里挺舒适。 once / wʌns ; NAmE wʌns /
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