omnipotence 英 [ɒm'nɪpət(ə)ns]  


omnipotence  英 [ɒm'nɪpət(ə)ns]

n. 全能;无限力量 


Your marrow is infused with unbelievable feelings of ease, power, well-being, omnipotence, euphoria.... 不可思议的轻松、能干、幸福、全能、欣快…… 感沁入骨髓。
Every single one of the books was wildly inaccurate, but their air of vague and generalized omnipotence made them immensely popular. 他们中的每一本都及其荒谬,但模棱两可的语气和普遍的全知全能,使得他们极大的欢迎。

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  • n. 全能;无限力量
  • 1. Your marrow is infused with unbelievable feelings of ease, power, well-being, omnipotence, euphoria....

    不可思议的轻松、能干、幸福、全能、欣快…… 感沁入骨髓。

  • 2. Every single one of the books was wildly inaccurate, but their air of vague and generalized omnipotence made them immensely popular.


  • 3. Would the result not be tyranny, under the guise of legitimate government and, by appropriating this legitimacy assuring to itself the power and omnipotence which it would otherwise assuredly lack?


  • omnipotence (n.) mid-15c., omnipotens, from Middle French omnipotence, from Late Latin omnipotentia "almighty power," from Latin omnipotentem "omnipotent" (see omnipotent). Related: Omnipotency (late 15c.).
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