gyro 英 ['dʒaɪrəʊ]   美 ['dʒaɪroʊ]


gyro  英 ['dʒaɪrəʊ] 美 ['dʒaɪroʊ]

n. 陀螺仪;[航] 回转仪(等于gyroscope);回转式罗盘(等于gyrocompass);自动旋翼飞机(等于autogyro) 


As an aside, Kulvir is a gyro fanatic. 顺便说一句,Kulvir 是 gyro 的狂热爱好者。
The LCR-100 also features gyro-compassing. LCR-100也有陀螺仪。

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  • n. 陀螺仪;[航] 回转仪(等于gyroscope);回转式罗盘(等于gyrocompass);自动旋翼飞机(等于autogyro)
  • 1. As an aside, Kulvir is a gyro fanatic.

    顺便说一句,Kulvir 是 gyro 的狂热爱好者。

  • 2. The LCR-100 also features gyro-compassing.


  • 3. Normally found in standard inertial reference systems, gyro-compassing enables the unit to establish precise heading within moments, without the use of a magnetic flux valve or magnetometer.


  • gyro (n.) sandwich made from roasted lamb, 1971, originally the meat itself, as roasted on a rotating spit, from Modern Greek gyros "a circle" (see gyre (n.)). Mistaken in English for a plural and shorn of its -s.
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