obligingly [ə'blaɪdʒɪŋli]  


obligingly  [ə'blaɪdʒɪŋli]

adv. 亲切地 

We had just come home from a good tromp in the bush and he was just getting comfortable when, very obligingly, he posed for me. 我们刚从灌木丛中回家。 他变得惬意起来,还亲切地在我面前摆起了姿势。
Fresh from her interviews with Japanese media, she obligingly retold the story, for what must be the thousandth time, of how she built her brand like it’s a fresh tale for her. 虽然刚刚结束日本媒体的采访,羽西又亲切地给我讲述了一遍她创立品牌的故事。 这个故事她肯定向他人讲述了一千多遍,但她仍然像第一次讲述那样激动。

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  • adv. 亲切地
  • 1. We had just come home from a good tromp in the bush and he was just getting comfortable when, very obligingly, he posed for me.

    我们刚从灌木丛中回家。 他变得惬意起来,还亲切地在我面前摆起了姿势。

  • 2. Fresh from her interviews with Japanese media, she obligingly retold the story, for what must be the thousandth time, of how she built her brand like it’s a fresh tale for her.

    虽然刚刚结束日本媒体的采访,羽西又亲切地给我讲述了一遍她创立品牌的故事。 这个故事她肯定向他人讲述了一千多遍,但她仍然像第一次讲述那样激动。

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