abstractly [æb'stræktli]  


abstractly  [æb'stræktli]

adv. 抽象地;理论上地 

Although a long time has passed since humans had to worry about predators, financial well-being is necessary for survival in the modern world, albeit more abstractly. 长期以来,人类已不必担心掠食者的侵害,但经济利益是人们在现代社会中生存所必须的,尽管这更抽象。
Once the system architecture has been derived abstractly through this process of structural decomposition, the next step is to determine how system elements will be realized. 一旦系统构架通过这个结构分解过程被抽象地产生出来,下一步就是确定如何实现系统元素。

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  • adv. 抽象地;理论上地
  • 1. Although a long time has passed since humans had to worry about predators, financial well-being is necessary for survival in the modern world, albeit more abstractly.


  • 2. Once the system architecture has been derived abstractly through this process of structural decomposition, the next step is to determine how system elements will be realized.


  • 3. You have to be more strategic, think more abstractly, and use communication tools and technologies (such as UML) to universally describe what you want from your team.

    您考虑的东西要更为战略化,需要更为抽象地考虑问题,并使用沟通工具和技术(如 UML)来全面描述希望团队实现的目标。

  • abstractly (adv.) late 14c., "by itself, absolutely, unconnected with anything else," from abstract (adj.) + -ly (2).
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