object 英 [ˈɒbdʒɪkt]   美 [ˈɑbdʒekt]


object  英 [ˈɒbdʒɪkt] 美 [ˈɑbdʒekt]

n. 目标;物体;  vi. 反对; 

进行时:objecting  过去式:objected  过去分词:objected  第三人称单数:objects  名词复数:objects 

everyday objects such as cups and saucers 诸如杯碟之类的日用品
Glass and plastic objects  玻璃和塑料制品

  • When your younger brother runs around the house with scissors, you should definitely object. Perhaps a less sharp object such as a roll of paper towels would suffice.
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  • n. 目标;物体;
  • vi. 反对;
  • 1. everyday objects such as cups and saucers


  • 2. Glass and plastic objects


  • 3. Her object in life is to become a travel writer.


  • 4. Many local people object to the building of the new airport.


  • 5. I really object to being charged for parking.


  • object (n.) late 14c., "tangible thing, something perceived or presented to the senses," from Medieval Latin objectum "thing put before" (the mind or sight), noun use of neuter of Latin obiectus "lying before, opposite" (as a noun in classical Latin, "charges, accusations"), past participle of obicere "to present, oppose, cast in the way of," from ob "in front of, towards, against" (see ob-) + iacere "to throw" (from PIE root *ye- "to throw, impel").
  • object (v.) c. 1400, "to bring forward in opposition," from Old French objecter and directly from Latin obiectus, past participle of obiectare "to cite as grounds for disapproval, set against, oppose," literally "to put or throw before or against," frequentative of obicere (see object (n.)). Related: Objected; objecting.
ob·ject noun , verb object objects objected objecting noun / ˈɒbdʒɪkt ; NAmE ˈɑːbdʒekt ; ˈɑːbdʒɪkt / 1 a thing that can be seen and touched, but is not alive 物体;物品;东西 everyday objects such as cups and saucers 诸如杯碟之类的日用品 Glass and plastic objects lined the shelves. 架子上排列着玻璃和塑料制品。 see also UFO 2 ~ of desire, study, attention, etc. a person or thing that sb desires,studies, pays attention to, etc. (极欲得到、研究、注意等的)对象 see also sex object 3 an aim or a purpose 宗旨;目的;目标 Her sole object in life is to become a travel writer. 她人生的唯一目标就是当游记作家。 The object is to educate people about road safety. 目的就是教育人们注意交通安全。 If you're late, you'll defeat the whole object of the exercise. 如果你迟到了,便不能达到整个活动的目的。 synonyms at target 4 ( grammar 语法 ) a noun, noun phrase or pronoun that refers to a person or thing that is affected by the action of the verb (called the direct object ), or that the action is done to or for (called the indirect object ) 宾语(包括直接宾语、间接宾语); 受词 compare subject n.  (5 ) IDIOM expense, money, etc. is no ˈobject used to say that you are willing to spend a lot of money 费用不在话下;钱不成问题 He always travels first class—expense is no object. 他总是乘头等舱旅行,从不计较花费多少。 verb / əbˈdʒekt ; NAmE əbˈdʒekt / 1 [intransitive ] to say that you disagree with, disapprove of or oppose sth 不同意;不赞成;反对 object(to sb/sth) Many local people object to the building of the new airport. 许多当地的居民反对兴建新机场。 If nobody objects, we'll postpone the meeting till next week. 如果没有人反对,我们就把会议推迟到下周。 objectto doing sth/to sb doing sth I really object to being charged for parking. 我非常反对收停车费。 2 [transitive ] objectthat… | + speech to give sth as a reason for opposing sth 提出…作为反对的理由;抗辩说 SYN protest He objected that the police had arrested him without sufficient evidence. 他抗辩说警察没有充分的证据就逮捕了他。 synonyms at complain VOCABULARY BUILDING 词汇扩充 Objects you can use 可以使用的物体 It is useful to know some general words to help you describe objects, especially if you do not know the name of a particular object. 有些一般性词汇可用于描述物品,尤其是名称不详的东西。 A deviceis something that has been designed to do a particular job. *device 指为特定用途设计的装置、器具、器械: There is a new device for cars that warns drivers of traffic jams ahead. 有一种新的汽车装置可提醒司机前面有交通堵塞。 A gadgetis a small object that does something useful, but is not really necessary. *gadget 指有用、但不一定必需的小器具、小装置: His kitchen is full of gadgets he never uses. 他厨房里到处是他从不使用的小器具。 An instrumentis used especially for delicate or scientific work. *instrument 尤指用于精密或科学工作的仪器、器械、器具: ‘What do you call the instrument that measures temperature?’ ‘A thermometer.’ “测量温度的仪器叫什么?” “温度计。” A toolis something that you use for making and repairing things. *tool 指生产或修理用的工具、用具: ‘Have you got one of those tools for turning screws?’ ‘Do you mean a screwdriver?’ “你有拧螺丝钉的工具吗?” “你是指螺丝刀吗?” A machinehas moving parts and is used for a particular job. It usually stands on its own. *machine 指有特定用途的机器,通常为独立设备: ‘What’s a blender?’ ‘It’s an electric machine for mixing soft food or liquid.’ “搅拌器是什么?” “是搅和软食物或液汁的电动机器。” An applianceis a large machine that you use in the house, such as a washing machine. *appliance 指大型家用机器,如洗衣机。 Equipmentmeans all the things you need for a particular activity. *equipment 统称某项活动所需的设备、装备: climbing equipment 攀登用装备 Apparatusmeans all the tools, machines or equipment that you need for something. *apparatus 统称做某事所用的设备、用具、器械、装置: firefighters wearing breathing apparatus 戴着呼吸装置的消防人员 ob·ject / ˈɒbdʒɪkt ; NAmE ˈɑːbdʒekt ; ˈɑːbdʒɪkt /
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