nonagricultural [,nɔnæɡri'kʌltʃərəl]  


nonagricultural  [,nɔnæɡri'kʌltʃərəl]

adj. 非农业的 


Many causes have been proposed for both the intelligence gap and the Flynn effect, including education, income, and even nonagricultural labor. 人们对智力差距和弗林效应提出了许多成因,包括教育、收入,甚至还包括非农业劳动。
Trade in nonagricultural goods and services and the flow of portfolio and direct foreign investment are now almost as free in India as in China. 印度的非农产品和服务交易,资金的流动以及外商直接投资几乎和在中国一样自由。

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  • adj. 非农业的
  • 1. Many causes have been proposed for both the intelligence gap and the Flynn effect, including education, income, and even nonagricultural labor.


  • 2. Trade in nonagricultural goods and services and the flow of portfolio and direct foreign investment are now almost as free in India as in China.


  • 3. There has been "good" progress in persuading locals, mostly people engaged in nonagricultural activities, to give up land, she says.


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