Pentecostalism [,pentə'kɔ:stə,lizəm]  


Pentecostalism  [,pentə'kɔ:stə,lizəm]

n. 五旬节派;灵恩派;圣神同祷派;神恩复兴派 


Charismatics remain in their traditional denomination, but believe in some aspects of Pentecostalism, such as the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially the speaking in tongues. 这些“有神赐能力的人”依旧在传统的教派中,但是也信仰五旬节教派的一些方面,如圣灵的礼物,对上帝的诉说。

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  • n. 五旬节派;灵恩派;圣神同祷派;神恩复兴派
  • 1. Charismatics remain in their traditional denomination, but believe in some aspects of Pentecostalism, such as the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially the speaking in tongues.


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