mercenary 英 [ˈmɜ:sənəri]   美 [ˈmɜrsəneri]


mercenary  英 [ˈmɜ:sənəri] 美 [ˈmɜrsəneri]

adj. 雇佣的;唯利是图的  n. 雇佣兵;唯利是图者 


If someone were to reply that anyone who bears arms will act in this manner, mercenary or not, I would answer that armies have to be commanded either by aprince or by a republic. 如果有人会回应到任何手握军权的人都是这个样子,不论是雇佣兵还是其他军队,我会回答说军队必须在君主或共和国的控制之下。
It would be easy to condemn this dichotomy between what Wall Street says to its clients and what it does with its money as hypocrisy or mercenary opportunism. 看到华尔街对客户说的是一套,管起自己的钱来又是一套,你会骂他们虚伪,说他们是唯利是图的投机者。

  • You might not want to call a mercenary a "hireling" to his face, but a mercenary is, after all, a soldier who gets paid to fight where needed, sometimes taking a heroic stand and other times just wanting payment for fighting.
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  • adj. 雇佣的;唯利是图的
  • n. 雇佣兵;唯利是图者
  • 1. If someone were to reply that anyone who bears arms will act in this manner, mercenary or not, I would answer that armies have to be commanded either by aprince or by a republic.


  • 2. It would be easy to condemn this dichotomy between what Wall Street says to its clients and what it does with its money as hypocrisy or mercenary opportunism.


  • 3. Online dating sites, whatever their more mercenary motives, draw on the premise that there has got to be a better way.


  • mercenary (adj.) 1530s, from mercenary (n.), or in part from Latin mercenarius "hired, paid, serving for pay."
  • mercenary (n.) late 14c., "one who works only for hire," from Old French mercenaire "mercenary, hireling" (13c.) and directly from Latin mercenarius "one who does anything for pay," literally "hired, paid," from merces (genitive mercedis) "pay, reward, wages," from merx (see market (n.)).
mer·cen·ary / ˈmɜːsənəri ; NAmE ˈmɜːrsəneri / noun , adjective mercenary mercenaries noun ( plural mer·cen·aries ) a soldier who will fight for any country or group that offers payment 雇佣兵 foreign mercenaries 外国雇佣兵 mercenary soldiers 雇佣兵 adjective ( disapproving) only interested in making or getting money 只为金钱的 a mercenary society/attitude 唯利是图的社会╱态度 She's interested in him for purely mercenary reasons. 她对他感兴趣完全是为了贪图金钱。 mer·cen·ary / ˈmɜːsənəri ; NAmE ˈmɜːrsəneri /
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