mask 英 [mɑ:sk]   美 [mæsk]


mask  英 [mɑ:sk] 美 [mæsk]

n. 面具;面罩;  v. 掩饰; 

进行时:masking  过去式:masked  过去分词:masked  第三人称单数:masks  名词复数:masks 

a gas/surgical mask 防毒面具;医用口罩
The kids were all wearing animal masks. 孩子们都戴着动物面具。

  • A mask is a disguise that covers just your face. Your Halloween costume might include a scary monster mask and a furry suit with a tail, or maybe you just wear that for fun.
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  • n. 面具;面罩;
  • v. 掩饰;
  • 1. a gas/surgical mask


  • 2. The kids were all wearing animal masks.


  • 3. a face mask


  • 4. Her face was a cold blank mask.


  • 5. She masked her anger with a smile.


  • mask (n.) 1530s, from Middle French masque "covering to hide or guard the face" (16c.), from Italian maschera, from Medieval Latin masca "mask, specter, nightmare," of uncertain origin, perhaps from Arabic maskharah "buffoon, mockery," from sakhira "be mocked, ridiculed." Or via Provençal mascarar, Catalan mascarar, Old French mascurer "to black (the face)," perhaps from a Germanic source akin to English mesh (q.v.). But compare Occitan mascara "to blacken, darken," derived from mask- "black," which is held to be from a pre-Indo-European language, and Old Occitan masco "witch," surviving in dialects; in Beziers it means "dark cloud before the rain comes." [See Walther von Wartburg, "Französisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch: Eine Darstellung galloromanischen sprachschatzes"]. Figurative use by 1570s.
  • mask (v.) 1560s, "take part in a masquerade;" 1570s, "to disguise;" 1580s, "to wear a mask," from mask (n.). Figurative use by 1580s. Extended sense of "to disguise" is attested from 1847. Related: Masked; masking. Masking tape recorded from 1927; so called because it is used to block out certain surfaces before painting.
mask / mɑːsk ; NAmE mæsk / noun , verb mask masks masked masking noun 1 a covering for part or all of the face, worn to hide or protect it 面具;面罩 a gas/surgical mask 防毒面具;医用口罩 The robbers wore stocking masks. 强盗戴着长筒袜面罩。 see also oxygen mask 2 something that covers your face and has another face painted on it 假面具 The kids were all wearing animal masks. 孩子们都戴着动物面具。 see also death mask 3 a thick cream made of various substances that you put on your face and neck in order to improve the quality of your skin 护肤膜;面膜 a face mask 面膜 4 [usually singular ] a manner or an expression that hides your true character or feelings 伪装;掩饰 He longed to throw off the mask of respectability. 他渴望丢掉那副道貌岸然的伪装。 Her face was a cold blank mask. 她装出一副冷冰冰毫无表情的样子。 verb masksth to hide a feeling, smell, fact, etc. so that it cannot be easily seen or noticed 掩饰;掩藏 SYN disguise , veil She masked her anger with a smile. 她用微笑来掩饰她的愤怒。 synonyms at hide mask / mɑːsk ; NAmE mæsk /
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