maimed [meimd]  


maimed  [meimd]

adj. 残废的;受伤的  v. 使残废(maim的过去分词) 


The disabled are also being targeted, as after 25 years of conflict, Afghanistan has a large number of people who're disabled or maimed. 项目的另一个目标群体是残疾人,因为25年的战乱给阿富汗留下了大量的残疾和残废人口。
Do not offer to the Lord the blind, the injured or the maimed, or anything with warts or festering or running sores. Do not place any of these on the altar as an offering made to the Lord by fire. 瞎眼的,折伤的,残废的,有瘤子的,长癣的,长疥的都不可献给耶和华,也不可在坛上作为火祭献给耶和华。

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  • adj. 残废的;受伤的
  • v. 使残废(maim的过去分词)
  • 1. The disabled are also being targeted, as after 25 years of conflict, Afghanistan has a large number of people who're disabled or maimed.


  • 2. Do not offer to the Lord the blind, the injured or the maimed, or anything with warts or festering or running sores. Do not place any of these on the altar as an offering made to the Lord by fire.


  • 3. Almost 300 people died in the attacks and more than 1, 000 were maimed.


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