drafter ['dræftɚ]  


drafter  ['dræftɚ]

n. 起草者;役马(等于draughter) 


A drafter says he now believes those words were “inappropriate”. 现在,一位白皮书的起草者认为,那些说法是“不合适的” 。
Chang Kai, a professor at China Renmin University in Beijing and a drafter of the law, agreed. 中国人民大学教授、《劳动合同法》起草者之一常凯也同意这一观点。

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  • n. 起草者;役马(等于draughter)
  • 1. A drafter says he now believes those words were “inappropriate”.

    现在,一位白皮书的起草者认为,那些说法是“不合适的” 。

  • 2. Chang Kai, a professor at China Renmin University in Beijing and a drafter of the law, agreed.


  • 3. It once belonged to Thomas Jefferson, drafter of the Declaration of Independence and third U.S. president.

    这部《古兰经》曾属于《独立宣言》(Declaration of Independence)的起草者、美国第三位总统托马斯·杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson)。

draft·er / ˈdrɑːftə(r) ; NAmE ˈdræftər / noun 1 a person who prepares a rough version of a plan, document, etc. (计划、文件等的)起草人,拟稿者 2 ( NAmE) = draftsman  (2 ) drafter drafters draft·er / ˈdrɑːftə(r) ; NAmE ˈdræftər /
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