luck 英 [lʌk]   美 [lʌk]


luck  英 [lʌk] 美 [lʌk]

n. 运气;幸运;  vi. 走运 


You're out of luck.She's not here. 真不巧,她不在。
to have good luck,to have bad luck 运气好;运气坏

  • Luck is chance or happenstance. If something happens from pure good luck, it seemingly came out of nowhere, based only on fate and not on anything you did to make it happen.
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  • n. 运气;幸运;
  • vi. 走运
  • 1. You're out of luck.She's not here.


  • 2. to have good luck,to have bad luck


  • 3. We wish her luck in her new career.


  • luck (n.) c. 1500, "fortune good or bad, what happens to one by chance (conceived as being favorable or not); good luck, quality of having a tendency to receive desired or beneficial outcomes," not found in Old English, probably from early Middle Dutch luc, shortening of gheluc "happiness, good fortune," a word of unknown origin. It has cognates in Modern Dutch geluk, Middle High German g(e)lücke, German Glück "fortune, good luck."
  • luck (v.) by 1945, from luck (n.). To luck out "succeed through luck" is American English colloquial, attested by 1946; to luck into (something good) is from 1944. Lukken (mid-15c.) was a verb in Middle English meaning "to happen, chance;" also "happen fortunately," but the modern word probably is a new formation.
luck / lʌk ; NAmE lʌk / noun , verb luck lucks lucked lucking noun [uncountable ] 1 good things that happen to you by chance, not because of your own efforts or abilities 好运;幸运;侥幸 With (any) luck,we'll be home before dark. 如果一切顺利的话,我们可在天黑前回到家。 ( BrE) With a bit of luck,we'll finish on time. 但愿我们运气好,能够准时完成。 So far I have had no luck with finding a job. 我找工作一直不走运。 I could hardly believe my luckwhen he said yes. 听他说行,我几乎不敢相信自己会这么走运。 It was a stroke of luckthat we found you. 真巧我们找到了你。 By sheer lucknobody was hurt in the explosion. 万幸的是,没有人在爆炸中受伤。 We wish her luckin her new career. 我们祝愿她在新的事业中一帆风顺。 You're in luck (= lucky)—there's one ticket left. 你运气不错,还剩一张票。 You're out of luck.She's not here. 真不巧,她不在。 What a piece of luck! 运气真好! see also beginner's luck 2 chance; the force that causes good or bad things to happen to people 机遇;命运;运气 SYN fortune to have good/bad luck 运气好;运气坏 see also hard-luck story IDIOMS any ˈluck? ( informal) used to ask sb if they have been successful with sth (询问是否成功)运气怎么样 ‘Any luck?’ ‘No, they're all too busy to help.’ “运气怎么样?”“不怎么样,他们都没空帮忙。” as luck would ˈhave it in the way that chance decides what will happen 碰巧;偶然;幸而;不巧 As luck would have it, the train was late. 不巧火车晚点了。 bad, hard, etc. luck (on sb) used to express sympathy for sb (表示同情)运气不佳,不幸 Bad luck, Helen, you played very well. 海伦,你表现得非常好,只是运气欠佳。 It's hard luck on him that he wasn't chosen. 他未被选中真是不幸。 be down on your ˈluck ( informal) to have no money because of a period of bad luck 因一时不走运而没有钱;穷困潦倒 the best of ˈluck (with sth) | good ˈluck (with sth) ( informal) used to wish sb success with sth 祝成功;祝好运 The best of luck with your exams. 祝你考试成功! Good luck! I hope it goes well. 祝你交好运!我希望这事进展顺利。 ˌbetter luck ˈnext time ( informal) used to encourage sb who has not been successful at sth (鼓励未成功的人)祝下次好运 for ˈluck 1 because you believe it will bring you good luck, or because this is a traditional belief 图个吉利;为了带来好运 Take something blue. It's for luck. 挑件蓝色的东西吧,求个吉利。 2 ( informal) for no particular reason 无缘无故 I hit him once more for luck. 我无故又打了他一下。 good ˈluck to sb ( informal) used to say that you do not mind what sb does as it does not affect you, but you hope they will be successful (与己无关而不介意某人的所为)祝某人成功,祝某人走运 It's not something I would care to try myself but if she wants to, good luck to her. 这件事我自己是不想做的,但如果她想试一试,祝愿她成功。 just my/sb's ˈluck ( informal) used to show you are not surprised sth bad has happened to you, because you are not often lucky (对自己的遭遇并不惊讶)常不走运,就这运气 Just my luck to arrive after they had left. 我总是这样倒霉,他们离去后我才赶到。 your/sb's ˈluck is in used to say that sb has been lucky or successful 交好运;走运 the luck of the ˈdraw the fact that chance decides sth, in a way that you cannot control 运气的结果 no such ˈluck used to show disappointment that sth you were hoping for did not happen (所希望的事情没有发生而失望)没那么走运 more at hard adj. , pot n. , push v. , tough adj. , try v. , worse adj. verb PHRASAL VERB ˌluck ˈout ( NAmE) ( informal) to be lucky 走运;交好运 I guess I really lucked out when I met her. 我想,我遇到她真是交了好运。 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 luck chance coincidence accident fate destiny These are all words for things that happen or the force that causes them to happen. 以上各词均指机遇、命运、运气。 luck the force that causes good or bad things to happen to people 指机遇、命运、运气: This ring has always brought me good luck. 这戒指总是给我带来好运。 chance the way that some things happen without any cause that you can see or understand 指偶然、碰巧、意外: The results could simply be due to chance. 这结果可能纯属意外。 coincidence the fact of two things happening at the same time by chance, in a surprising way 指出人意料的巧合、巧事: They met through a series of strange coincidences. 他们因一连串奇妙的巧合而相遇。 accident something that happens unexpectedly and is not planned in advance 指意外、偶然的事: Their early arrival was just an accident. 他们早到仅仅是偶然而已。 fate the power that is believed to control everything that happens and that cannot be stopped or changed 指命运、天数、定数、天意: Fate decreed that she would never reach America. 命中注定她永远到不了美国。 destiny the power that is believed to control events 指主宰事物的力量、命运之神: I believe there's some force guiding us—call it God, destiny or fate. 我总认为有某种力量在指引着我们,称之为上帝也罢,天意也罢,或是命运也罢。 fate or destiny? 用 fate 还是 destiny? Fatecan be kind, but this is an unexpected gift; just as often, fateis cruel and makes people feel helpless. Destinyis more likely to give people a sense of power: people who have a strong sense of destinyusually believe that they are meant to be great or do great things. *fate 有时是善意的,但那只是意外的恩赐; fate 往往是残酷的,使人感到无能为力; destiny 更可能给人权力的感觉,have a strong sense of destiny 指人具有强烈使命感,通常认为自己必将不同凡响或成就伟业。 PATTERNS by…luck/chance/coincidence/accident It's nocoincidence/accident that… pure / pure luck/chance/coincidence/accident to believe inluck/coincidences/fate/destiny luck / lʌk ; NAmE lʌk /
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