logistic 英 [lə'dʒɪstɪkl]   美 [loˈdʒɪstɪk]


logistic  英 [lə'dʒɪstɪkl] 美 [loˈdʒɪstɪk]

adj. 后勤学的;[数] 符号逻辑的 

Increased field coordination of technical, operational and logistic support is likewise needed. 同样需要增加对技术、业务和后勤支持的现场协调。
The strategy of ring vaccination emerged and was validated, vastly simplifying operational and logistic demands. 环带免疫战略的产生和验证,极大地简化了操作和物流需求。

  • Anything logistic has to do with organizing and managing a situation. You failed to solve the logistic problem of the mechanical claw game, leaving you without the stuffed koala you longed for.
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  • adj. 后勤学的;[数] 符号逻辑的
  • 1. Increased field coordination of technical, operational and logistic support is likewise needed.


  • 2. The strategy of ring vaccination emerged and was validated, vastly simplifying operational and logistic demands.


  • 3. UNICEF is carrying out social mobilization activities, raising awareness of the disease in the community and also providing additional logistic support and equipment.


  • logistic (adj.) "pertaining to logic," 1620s, from Medieval Latin logisticus, from Greek logistikos "skilled in calculating; endued with reason," from logistes "a calculator," from logos "calculation, proportion" (see Logos). Related: Logistical (1560s); logistically. Logistics, from this word, in the sense "art of arithmetical calculation" is from 1650s.
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