link 英 [lɪŋk]   美 [lɪŋk]


link  英 [lɪŋk] 美 [lɪŋk]

n. 联系  v. 连接,联系 

进行时:linking  过去式:linked  过去分词:linked  第三人称单数:links  名词复数:links 

to establish trade links with Asia 与亚洲建立贸易关系
a link road 连接路

  • Before it was the universal word for traveling around the Internet, link was just a connection or a device that connects things, like the links in a chain.
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  • n. 联系
  • v. 连接,联系
  • 1. to establish trade links with Asia


  • 2. a link road


  • 3. The speech was broadcast via a satellite link.


  • 4. Police suspect there may be a link between the two murders.


  • link (n.) early 15c., "one of a series of rings or loops which form a chain; section of a cord," probably from Old Norse *hlenkr or a similar Scandinavian source (compare Old Norse hlekkr "link," in plural, "chain;" Old Swedish lænker "chain, link," Norwegian lenke "a link," Danish lænke "a chain," German Gelenk "articulation, a joint of the body; a link, ring"), from Proto-Germanic *khlink- (source also of German lenken "to bend, turn, lead"), from PIE root *kleng- "to bend, turn." Related to lank, flank, flinch.
  • link (n.2) "torch of tow, pitch, etc.," 1520s, of uncertain origin, possibly from Medieval Latin linchinus, from lichinus "wick," from Greek lykhnos "portable light, lamp," from PIE root *leuk- "light, brightness."
  • link (n.3) "undulating sandy ground," especially in a golf course; see links.
  • link (v.) "to bind, fasten, couple, unite as if by links," late 14c., believed to be from link (n.1), though it is attested earlier. Intransitive sense "become connected, join in marriage" is from 1530s. Related: Linked; linking.
link AWL / lɪŋk ; NAmE lɪŋk / noun , verb link links linked linking noun 1 link(between A and B) a connection between two or more people or things 联系;连接 Police suspect there may be a link between the two murders. 警方怀疑那两桩凶杀案可能有关联。 evidence for a strong causal link between exposure to sun and skin cancer 太阳曝晒与皮肤癌之间有紧密因果关系的证据 see also missing link 2 a relationship between two or more people, countries or organizations 关系;纽带 link(with sth) to establish trade linkswith Asia 与亚洲建立贸易关系 link(between A and B) Social customs provide a vital link between generations. 社会风俗在不同世代之间起到了极其重要的纽带作用。 3 a means of travelling or communicating between two places 交通路线;通讯手段 a high-speed rail link 高速的铁路交通 a link road 连接路 a video link 视频线路 The speech was broadcast via a satellite link. 这次演讲是通过卫星播放的。 4 ( computing ) a place in an electronic document that is connected to another electronic document or to another part of the same document 链接 To visit similar websites to this one, click on the links at the bottom of the page. 要访问与这个网站类似的网站,点击网页底部的链接。 see also hyperlink 5 each ring of a chain (链状物的)环,节,圈 see also cufflink IDIOM a link in the ˈchain one of the stages in a process or a line of argument 链条中的一个环节;整个过程中的一个阶段 more at weak verb [often passive ] 1 to make a physical or electronic connection between one object, machine, place, etc. and another 把(物体、机器、地方等)连接起来 SYN connect linkA to B The video cameras are linked to a powerful computer. 这些摄像机是与一台功能强大的计算机相连接的。 linkA with B The Channel Tunnel links Britain with the rest of Europe. 英吉利海峡隧道把英国和欧洲其他国家连接起来了。 linkA and B (together) When computers are networked, they are linked together so that information can be transferred between them. 计算机联网连接,即彼此可供互传信息。 2 if sth linkstwo things, facts or situations, or they are linked,they are connected in some way 联系;相关联 linkA to/with B Exposure to ultraviolet light is closely linkedto skin cancer. 受紫外线照射与皮肤癌紧密相关。 linkA and B The two factors are directly linked. 这两个因素直接联系在一起。 The personal and social development of the child are inextricably linked (= they depend on each other). 儿童在自身和与人交往两方面的成长是相辅相成的。 3 linkA to/with B | linkA and B to state that there is a connection or relationship between two things or people 说明(两件东西或两人之间)有联系(或关系) SYN associate Detectives have linked the break-in to a similar crime in the area last year. 侦探认为这起入室盗窃案与去年此地区一类似案件有关。 Newspapers have linked his name with the singer. 报章报道把他的名字与那名歌手连在一起。 4 linkA and B to join two things by putting one through the other 挽住;钩住;套在一起 The two girls linked armsas they strolled down the street. 两个女孩挽着胳臂沿街漫步而行。 PHRASAL VERB ˌlink ˈup (with sb/sth) to join or become joined with sb/sth (与…)连接,结合;使连接;使结合 The two spacecraft will link up in orbit. 两艘宇宙飞船将在轨道上对接。 The bands have linked up for a charity concert. 这些乐队已联合起来,准备办一场慈善音乐会。 related noun link-up link / lɪŋk ; NAmE lɪŋk /
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