lend 英 [lend]   美 [lɛnd]


lend  英 [lend] 美 [lɛnd]

vt. 贷;把……借给 

进行时:lending  过去式:lent  过去分词:lent  第三人称单数:lends  名词复数:lends 

I lend 100$ to my friend. 我借给朋友 100美元。
The bank refused to lend the money to us. 银行拒绝向我们贷款。

  • When you lend something, you loan it or let someone borrow it. You might, for example, lend your bike to your brother — if he promises to be careful with it.
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  • vt. 贷;把……借给
  • 1. I lend 100$ to my friend.

    我借给朋友 100美元。

  • 2. The bank refused to lend the money to us.


  • 3. They refused to lend us the money.


  • 4. He came along to lend me moral support.


  • 5. I was happy to lend my support to such a good cause.


  • lend (n.) "a loan," 1570s, from lend (v.). OED describes it as Scottish and Northern.
  • lend (v.) "grant temporary possession of," late 14c., from past tense of Old English lænan "to grant temporarily, lease out, make loans, lend money at interest," from Proto-Germanic *laihwnjan, verb derived from *loikw-nes-, the prehistoric source of Old English læn "gift" (see loan (n.)). Compare Dutch lenen, Old High German lehanon, German lehnen, all verbs derived from nouns. In Middle English the past tense form, with terminal -d, became the principal form on analogy of bend, send, etc. To lend an ear "listen" is from late 14c.
lend / lend ; NAmE lend / verb ( lent , lent / lent ; NAmE lent / ) 1 [transitive ] to give sth to sb or allow them to use sth that belongs to you, which they have to return to you later 借给;借出 SYN loan lend(out) sth (to sb) I've lent the car to a friend. 我把车借给一位朋友了。 lendsb sth Can you lend me your car this evening? 你今晚能把汽车借给我用一下吗? Has he returned that book you lent him? 你借给他的那本书还你了吗? note at borrow 2 [transitive ,  intransitive ] (of a bank or financial institution 银行或金融机构 ) to give money to sb on condition that they pay it back over a period of time and pay interest on it 贷(款) SYN loan lend(sth) (to sb) The bank refused to lend the money to us. 银行拒绝向我们贷款。 lendsb sth They refused to lend us the money. 他们拒绝向我们贷款。 compare borrow2 () 3 [transitive ] ( formal) to give a particular quality to a person or a situation 给…增加,增添(特色) lendsth (to sb/sth) The setting sun lent an air of melancholy to the scene. 落日给景色增添了伤感的气氛。 lendsb/sth sth Her presence lent the occasion a certain dignity. 她的出席使那场面增添了几分光彩。 4 [transitive ] to give or provide help, support, etc. 给予,提供(帮助、支持等) lendsth (to sb/sth) I was more than happy to lend my support to such a good cause. 我非常乐意给这样崇高的事业提供援助。 lendsb/sth sth He came along to lend me moral support. 他来给予我精神上的支持。 IDIOMS lend an ˈear (to sb/sth) to listen in a patient and sympathetic way to sb 聆听;倾听 lend (sb) a (helping) ˈhand (with sth) ( informal) to help sb with sth 帮助;援助;搭把手 I went over to see if I could lend a hand. 我走过去看我能不能帮上忙。 lend ˈcolour to sth ( BrE) to make sth seem true or probable 使显得真实(或可能) Most of the available evidence lends colour to this view. 现有的大部份证据支持这个观点。 lend your name to sth ( formal) 1 to let it be known in public that you support or agree with sth 公开表示支持 I am more than happy to lend my name to this campaign. 我非常愿意支持这个运动。 2 to have a place named after you 以…的名字命名(某地方) lend supˈport, ˈweight, ˈcredence, etc. to sth to make sth seem more likely to be true or genuine 对…提供支持(如有重要或可靠的证据等而增加可信度) This latest evidence lends support to her theory. 这一最新的证据印证了她的理论。 more at help v. PHRASAL VERB ˈlend itself to sth to be suitable for sth 适合于 Her voice doesn't really lend itself well to blues singing. 她的嗓子不是很适于唱布鲁斯歌曲。 lend lends lent lending lend / lend ; NAmE lend / lent / lent ; NAmE lent /
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