leisurely 英 [ˈleʒəli]   美 [ˈliʒərli]


leisurely  英 [ˈleʒəli] 美 [ˈliʒərli]

adj. 悠闲的;从容的  adv. 悠闲地;从容不迫地 

The guy from Europe explained that in his country, they took meals leisurely and would sit down for hours at the dinner table. 那个来自欧洲的小伙子解释,在他的国家,他们吃饭很从容而且会在餐桌前等几个小时。
But residents can also spot alligators and egrets from an air boat in the Everglades or have a leisurely drink at a bistro downtown. 而这里的居民还可以从大沼泽地中的空气船上看到短吻鳄鱼和白鹭,或者在市中心的小酒馆里悠闲地喝一杯。

  • Leisurely is a word that describes something that is unhurried and easygoing, like the leisurely bike ride you may take home when you know have a lot of work waiting for you there.
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  • adj. 悠闲的;从容的
  • adv. 悠闲地;从容不迫地
  • 1. The guy from Europe explained that in his country, they took meals leisurely and would sit down for hours at the dinner table.


  • 2. But residents can also spot alligators and egrets from an air boat in the Everglades or have a leisurely drink at a bistro downtown.


  • 3. You might hope that this columnist would travel by leisurely boat through the Panama Canal but he, too, wings it, when work calls, over the great circles close to the melting poles.


  • leisurely (adj.) c. 1600, from leisure (n.) + -ly (1). Earlier adjectives were leisurable (1530s), leisureful (mid-15c.). Related: Leisureliness.
  • leisurely (adv.) late 15c., "not hastily, deliberately," from leisure (n.) + -ly (2).
leis·ure·ly / ˈleʒəli ; NAmE ˈliːʒərli / ( also leis·ured ) adjective [usually before noun ] done without hurrying 不慌不忙的;慢悠悠的 a leisurely meal 悠闲的一餐 They set off at a leisurely pace. 他们步态悠闲地出发了。 leis·ure·ly adverb Couples strolled leisurely along the beach. 成双成对的情侣沿着海滩悠然漫步。 leis·ure·ly / ˈleʒəli ; NAmE ˈliːʒərli /
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