leisure centre 英 [ˈleʒə ˈsentə]   美 [ˈliʒɚ ˈsɛntɚ]

leisure centre

leisure centre  英 [ˈleʒə ˈsentə] 美 [ˈliʒɚ ˈsɛntɚ]

phrase. 娱乐中心 

HOTEL RECEPTIONIST: The leisure centre. Sure. 宾馆接待员:这里是休闲中心。当然。
This latest outbreak has been linked to one leisure centre in the suburbs of Bordeaux. 最新的疫情爆发似乎与波尔多郊区一家休闲中心有关。

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  • phrase. 娱乐中心
  • 1. HOTEL RECEPTIONIST: The leisure centre. Sure.


  • 2. This latest outbreak has been linked to one leisure centre in the suburbs of Bordeaux.


  • 3. A council in Britain is proposing to save money – and combat global warming – by heating a leisure centre and swimming pool using heat generated by the crematorium next door.

    英国伍斯特郡的一个 小镇议会最近提出了一条省钱又环保的建议:用当地的火葬场为周边的休闲中心和游泳馆供暖。

ˈleisure centre / ; NAmE / noun ( BrE) a public building where people can go to do sports and other activities in their free time 休闲(或业余)活动中心 ˈleisure centre / ; NAmE /
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