legion 英 [ˈli:dʒən]   美 [ˈlidʒən]


legion  英 [ˈli:dʒən] 美 [ˈlidʒən]

n. (古罗马)军团;众多;军队  adj. 众多的;大量的 


Outside the church door, veterans from the British legion form a guard of honor. 在教堂大门外,有来自英国军团的退伍老兵组成的仪仗队。
She asked her legion of fans -- whom she calls "Little Monsters" -- to buy a bracelet on her website saying, "We Pray for Japan," for donations of $5 or more. 她号召被她称作小恶人的众多的粉丝,都参与到她的网站来,“捐出5美金甚至更多的善款的同时让我们为日本祈福“。

  • A legion is a horde or a large number of people or things. It was originally a term for a military unit.
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  • n. (古罗马)军团;众多;军队
  • adj. 众多的;大量的
  • 1. Outside the church door, veterans from the British legion form a guard of honor.


  • 2. She asked her legion of fans -- whom she calls "Little Monsters" -- to buy a bracelet on her website saying, "We Pray for Japan," for donations of $5 or more.


  • 3. It keeps you in touch with the people you already know. It lets them know you haven’t died or joined the French Foreign legion.


  • legion (n.) c. 1200, "a Roman legion," from Old French legion "squad, band, company, Roman legion," from Latin legionem (nominative legio) "Roman legion, body of soldiers, a levy of troops," from legere "to gather; to choose, pick out, select," from PIE root *leg- (1) "to collect, gather." Tucker writes that "The common sense is 'pick,'" but it is unclear whether the use here is "picking up or picking out." Roughly 3,000 to 6,000 men, under Marius usually with attached cavalry. "The legions were numbered in the order of their levy, but were often known by particular names" [Lewis].
le·gion / ˈliːdʒən ; NAmE ˈliːdʒən / noun , adjective legion legions noun 1 a large group of soldiers that forms part of an army, especially the one that existed in ancient Rome (尤指古罗马的)军团 the French Foreign Legion 法国军队中的外籍军团 Caesar's legions 凯撒军团 2 ( formal) a large number of people of one particular type 大量,大批(某类型的人) legions of photographers 众多的摄影师 adjective [not before noun ] ( formal) very many 很多;极多 SYN numerous The medical uses of herbs are legion. 草本植物的医药效用数不胜数。 le·gion / ˈliːdʒən ; NAmE ˈliːdʒən /
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