leggings 英 [ˈlegɪŋz]  


leggings  英 [ˈlegɪŋz]

n. 裹腿,绑腿 

He wore the ordinary white pinner and leather leggings of a dairy-farmer when milking, and his boots were clogged with the mulch of the yard; but this was all his local livery. 他系一条普通的白色围裙,腿上打着奶牛场挤奶工人打的绑腿,靴子上沾满了院子里的烂草污泥;不过所有这些装束都是本地的装束。
Health authorities in Thailand are urging young women not to wear fashionable black leggings to avoid attracting unwanted attention from dengue -carrying mosquitoes. 泰国卫生部门敦促年轻女性不要穿时髦的黑色紧身裤,以免招来携带登革热病毒的蚊子的叮咬。

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  • n. 裹腿,绑腿
  • 1. He wore the ordinary white pinner and leather leggings of a dairy-farmer when milking, and his boots were clogged with the mulch of the yard; but this was all his local livery.


  • 2. Health authorities in Thailand are urging young women not to wear fashionable black leggings to avoid attracting unwanted attention from dengue -carrying mosquitoes.


leg·gings / ˈleɡɪŋz ; NAmE ˈleɡɪŋz / noun [plural ] 1 trousers/pants for women that fit tightly over the legs, made of cloth that stretches easily 女式紧身裤 a pair of leggings 一条女式紧身裤 2 outer coverings for the legs, worn as protection 护腿;绑腿;裹腿 leg·gings / ˈleɡɪŋz ; NAmE ˈleɡɪŋz /
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