landing craft 英 [ˈlændɪŋ krɑ:ft]   美 [ˈlændɪŋ kræft]

landing craft

landing craft  英 [ˈlændɪŋ krɑ:ft] 美 [ˈlændɪŋ kræft]

phrase. [船][军] 登陆艇 

名词复数:landing crafts 

We are in discussions from a logistics point of view to look at seaborne aid in one form or the other, floating warehouses with landing craft, etc. 我们正从后勤的角度讨论几种海上救援形式是否可行,例如用登陆艇搬运物资等。
The drills involved a total of 14 patrolboats, landing craft and submarine hunting boats, as well as two militaryaircraft, the official People's Daily newspaper said. 官方报纸人民日报报道说,除了2架军用飞机外,还有共计14艘巡逻艇、登陆艇和猎潜舰艇参加了演习。

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  • phrase. [船][军] 登陆艇
  • 1. We are in discussions from a logistics point of view to look at seaborne aid in one form or the other, floating warehouses with landing craft, etc.


  • 2. The drills involved a total of 14 patrolboats, landing craft and submarine hunting boats, as well as two militaryaircraft, the official People's Daily newspaper said.


  • 3. U.S. ordinance teams detonate great stocks of American ammunition at Hungnam as the last troops of X Corps withdraw in landing craft and abandon the effort to conquer North Korea.


ˈlanding craft / ; NAmE / noun ( plural landing craft ) a boat with a flat bottom, carried on a ship. Landing craftopen at one end so soldiers and equipment can be brought to land. 登陆艇 ˈlanding craft / ; NAmE /
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