land form 英 [lænd fɔ:m]   美 [lænd fɔrm]

land form

land form  英 [lænd fɔ:m] 美 [lænd fɔrm]

phrase. 地貌  phrase. 地形 

Made picture Cards: In each card, students wrote what kind of land form and described them. 制作图卡:学生们在每张图卡上都写上了各种地形并介绍他们。
It is concluded that the belt has become a multiple disaster region because the advantageous climate, geology and land form and aggravation of the human activity. 认为这个地区之所以成为一个自然灾害多发区是因该区气候、地质、地貌等均有利于自然灾害的形成和发展,人为作用加剧了灾害。

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  • phrase. 地貌
  • phrase. 地形
  • 1. Made picture Cards: In each card, students wrote what kind of land form and described them.


  • 2. It is concluded that the belt has become a multiple disaster region because the advantageous climate, geology and land form and aggravation of the human activity.


  • 3. When gravity survey is conducted in greatly undulate terrain, observed gravity anomaly also includes noise anomalies which are linearly and nonlinearly correlative to land form.


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