lampoon 英 [læmˈpu:n]   美 [læmˈpun]


lampoon  英 [læmˈpu:n] 美 [læmˈpun]

vt. 讽刺  n. 讽刺文章 

进行时:lampooning  过去式:lampooned  过去分词:lampooned  第三人称单数:lampoons  名词复数:lampoons 

His cartoons mercilessly lampoon the leading politician of the day. 他的漫画无情地讽刺了当今的政界要人。
I mean, you were once, I think - didnt you refer to yourself as a leftist, hippie-loving, "National lampoon" satirist? 我的意思是你有一次,我认为,自称为左倾嬉皮士,“国家讽刺”杂志的讽刺家吗?

  • When you make fun of something by imitating it in a humorous way, you're lampooning it. The writers at The Onion, Saturday Night Live and are all experts in the art of the lampoon.
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  • vt. 讽刺
  • n. 讽刺文章
  • 1. His cartoons mercilessly lampoon the leading politician of the day.


  • 2. I mean, you were once, I think - didnt you refer to yourself as a leftist, hippie-loving, "National lampoon" satirist?


  • 3. It is one thing to attack the stupidity of others, to draw attention to wrong doings, and to lampoon those deserving of it.


  • lampoon (n.) "A personal satire; abuse; censure written not to reform but to vex" [Johnson], 1640s, from French lampon (17c.), a word of unknown origin, said by French etymologists to be from lampons "let us drink," which is said to have been a popular refrain for scurrilous songs, in which case it would be originally a drinking song. French lampons is from lamper "to drink, guzzle," a nasalized form of laper "to lap," from a Germanic source akin to lap (v.). Also see -oon.
  • lampoon (v.) 1650s, from lampoon (n.), or else from French lamponner, from the Middle French noun. Related: Lampooned; lampooning.
lam·poon / læmˈpuːn ; NAmE læmˈpuːn / verb , noun lampoon lampoons lampooned lampooning verb lampoonsb/sth to criticize sb/sth publicly in an amusing way that makes them or it look ridiculous 嘲讽;讥讽 SYN satirize His cartoons mercilessly lampooned the politicians of his time. 他的漫画毫不留情地嘲讽了他那个年代的政治人物。 noun a piece of writing that criticizes sb/sth and makes them or it look ridiculous 讽刺文章;幽默讽刺作品 lam·poon / læmˈpuːn ; NAmE læmˈpuːn /
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