- Anyone who's a member of a jury in a court of law is called a juror. When you serve as a juror, you're part of a group that hears evidence in a trial and gives a verdict.
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- n. 审查委员,陪审员
1. The attorney for the defense challenged the juror.
2. Another juror, Debbie Beaty, says the science helped persuade her that Waldroup was not entirely in control of his actions.
3. Zagel in May ruled that juror names would stay out of the public out of concern that bloggers and others would try to contact jurors during the trial.
- juror (n.) "one who serves on a jury," c. 1300 (late 12c. in Anglo-Latin), from Anglo-French jurour (late 13c.), Old French jureor "character witness, person who swears an oath," from Latin iuratorem (nominative iurator) "swearer, sworn census-clerk," agent noun from iurare "to swear," from ius (genitive iuris) "law" (see jurist). Meaning "one of a group selected to award prizes, etc. at a public exhibition" is from 1851; this particular use seems to have arisen with the great Industrial Exhibition held that year at the Crystal Palace in London.
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