intrigue 英 [ɪnˈtri:g]   美 [ˈɪnˌtriɡ, ɪnˈtriɡ]


intrigue  英 [ɪnˈtri:g] 美 [ˈɪnˌtriɡ, ɪnˈtriɡ]

n. 阴谋;密谋  v. 密谋;激起...的兴趣 

进行时:intriguing  过去式:intrigued  过去分词:intrigued  第三人称单数:intrigues  名词复数:intrigues 

You've really intrigued me—tell me more! 你说的真有意思,再给我讲一些吧!
political intrigue 政治阴谋

  • An intrigue is a secret plot. If you ever become the monarch of a small island kingdom, keep watch for signs of any intrigue against you.
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  • n. 阴谋;密谋
  • v. 密谋;激起...的兴趣
  • 1. You've really intrigued me—tell me more!


  • 2. political intrigue


  • 3. The young heroine steps into a web of intrigue in the academic world.


  • 4. I soon learnt about all the intrigues and scandals that went on in the little town.


  • intrigue (n.) 1640s, "a clandestine plot;" 1660s, "secret plotting," probably from intrigue (v.). Also used from 1660s as "clandestine or illicit sexual encounter."
  • intrigue (v.) 1610s, "to trick, deceive, cheat," from French intriguer (16c.), from Italian intrigare "to plot, meddle; perplex, puzzle," from Latin intricare "to entangle, perplex, embarrass" (see intricate).
in·trigue verb , noun intrigue intrigues intrigued intriguing verb / ɪnˈtriːɡ ; NAmE ɪnˈtriːɡ / 1 [transitive ,  often passive ] intriguesb | it intrigues sb that… to make sb very interested and want to know more about sth 激起…的兴趣;引发…的好奇心 You've really intrigued me—tell me more! 你说的真有意思,再给我讲一些吧! 2 [intransitive ] intrigue(with sb) (against sb) ( formal) to secretly plan with other people to harm sb 秘密策划(加害他人);密谋 noun / ˈɪntriːɡ ; NAmE ˈɪntriːɡ / / ɪnˈtriːɡ ; NAmE ɪnˈtriːɡ / 1 [uncountable ] the activity of making secret plans in order to achieve an aim, often by tricking people 密谋策划;阴谋 political intrigue 政治阴谋 The young heroine steps into a web of intrigue in the academic world. 年轻的女主人公陷入了学术界钩心斗角的罗网。 2 [countable ] a secret plan or relationship, especially one which involves sb else being tricked 密谋;秘密关系;阴谋诡计 I soon learnt about all the intrigues and scandals that went on in the little town. 我很快便知道了小镇上流传的种种阴谋与丑闻。 3 [uncountable ] the atmosphere of interest and excitement that surrounds sth secret or important 神秘气氛;引人入胜的复杂情节 in·trigue / ɪnˈtriːɡ ; NAmE ɪnˈtriːɡ /
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