insulate 英 [ˈɪnsjuleɪt]   美 [ˈɪnsəleɪt]


insulate  英 [ˈɪnsjuleɪt] 美 [ˈɪnsəleɪt]

vt. 隔离;使绝缘,使隔热 

进行时:insulating  过去式:insulated  过去分词:insulated  第三人称单数:insulates  名词复数:insulates 

Home owners are being encouraged to insulate their homes to save energy. 当局鼓励房主在住房加隔热装置以节约能源。
The function of a mammal's fur is to insulate the body.  哺乳动物皮毛的功能在于使身体保温.

  • The verb insulate means "protect from heat, cold, or noise," like when you add an extra layer of clothing to insulate yourself from the cold.
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  • vt. 隔离;使绝缘,使隔热
  • 1. Home owners are being encouraged to insulate their homes to save energy.


  • 2. The function of a mammal's fur is to insulate the body.


  • 3. Please insulate the furnace from any wood.


  • insulate (v.) 1530s, "make into an island," from Late Latin insulatus "made like an island," from insula "island" (see isle). Sense of "place in an isolated situation, cause (someone or something) to be detached from surroundings" is from 1785. Electrical/chemical sense of "block from electricity or heat" (by interposition of a non-conductor) is from 1742. Related: Insulated; insulating.
in·su·late / ˈɪnsjuleɪt ; NAmE ˈɪnsəleɪt / verb 1 insulatesth (from/against sth) to protect sth with a material that prevents heat, sound, electricity, etc. from passing through 使隔热;使隔音;使绝缘 Home owners are being encouraged to insulate their homes to save energy. 当局鼓励房主在住房加隔热装置以节约能源。 collocationsat decorate 2 insulatesb/sth from/against sth to protect sb/sth from unpleasant experiences or influences 使免除(不愉快的经历);使免受(不良影响);隔离 SYN shield insulate insulates insulated insulating in·su·late / ˈɪnsjuleɪt ; NAmE ˈɪnsəleɪt /
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