isle 英 [aɪl]   美 [aɪl]


isle  英 [aɪl] 美 [aɪl]



the Isle of Skye 斯凯岛
the British Isles 英伦列岛

  • An isle is a small island. The Isle of Capri, off the coast of Italy, is one of the most famous isles in the world.
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  • n.
  • 1. the Isle of Skye


  • 2. the British Isles


  • isle (n.) late 13c., ile, from Old French ile, earlier isle, from Latin insula "island," a word of uncertain origin.
isle / aɪl ; NAmE aɪl / noun ( abbr.I , I. , Is. ) used especially in poetry and names to mean ‘island’ (常用于诗歌和名称中)岛 the Isle of Skye 斯凯岛 the British Isles 英伦列岛 isle isles isle / aɪl ; NAmE aɪl /
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