instrument 英 [ˈɪnstrəmənt]   美 [ˈɪnstrəmənt]


instrument  英 [ˈɪnstrəmənt] 美 [ˈɪnstrəmənt]

n. 仪器;工具;乐器;手段;器械 


surgical instruments, optical instruments, precision instruments 外科器械;光学、精密等仪器
instruments of torture 刑具

  • An instrument is usually a tool for making music, like a piano or a guitar, but it can also be used for almost any kind of tool or thing you use to get something done.
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  • n. 仪器;工具;乐器;手段;器械
  • 1. surgical instruments, optical instruments, precision instruments


  • 2. instruments of torture


  • 3. Is he learning an instrument?


  • 4. the flight instruments


  • 5. the instrument panel


  • 6. The law is not the best instrument for dealing with family matters.


  • 7. an instrument of change


  • 8. an instrument of fate


  • instrument (n.) late 13c., "musical instrument, mechanical apparatus for producing musical sounds," from Old French instrument, enstrument "means, device; musical instrument" (14c., earlier estrument, 13c.) and directly from Latin instrumentum "a tool, an implement; means, furtherance; apparatus, furniture; ornament, dress, embellishment; a commission, authorization; a document," from instruere "arrange, prepare, set in order; inform, teach," literally "to build, erect," from in- "on" (from PIE root *en "in") + struere "to pile, build" (from PIE *streu-, extended form of root *stere- "to spread").
in·stru·ment / ˈɪnstrəmənt ; NAmE ˈɪnstrəmənt / noun 1 a tool or device used for a particular task, especially for delicate or scientific work 器械;仪器;器具 surgical/optical/precision, etc. instruments 外科器械;光学、精密等仪器 instruments of torture 刑具 2 = musical instrument Is he learning an instrument? 他在学习演奏乐器吗? brass/stringed, etc. instruments 铜管乐器、弦乐器等 3 a device used for measuring speed, distance, temperature, etc. in a vehicle or on a piece of machinery (车辆、机器的)仪器,仪表 the flight instruments 飞行仪表 the instrument panel 仪表盘 4 ( formal) something that is used by sb in order to achieve sth; a person or thing that makes sth happen 促成某事的人(或事物);手段 instrumentfor sth/for doing sth The law is not the best instrument for dealing with family matters. 法律并不是处理家庭问题的最佳方法。 instrumentof sth an instrument of change 促成变革的措施 5 instrumentof sb/sth ( formal) a person who is used and controlled by sb/sth that is more powerful 受利用(或控制)的人;工具 an instrument of fate 受命运摆布的人 6 ( law ) a formal legal document 文据;正式法律文件 instrument instruments instrumented instrumenting in·stru·ment / ˈɪnstrəmənt ; NAmE ˈɪnstrəmənt /
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