- The hot, brown beverage that many people start their days with is called coffee. To make coffee, you can grind coffee beans and pour very hot water over the grounds.
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- n. 咖啡;咖啡色
1. ground/real coffee
2. Tea or coffee?
3. a jar of coffee
4. black/white coffee (= without/with milk)
5. I'll just make the coffee.
6. She brewed some coffee for me.
7. Let's talk over coffee (= while drinking coffee).
8. She creamed and sugared her coffee.
- coffee (n.) "drink made from the ground and roasted seeds of a tree originally native to Arabia and Abyssinia," c. 1600, from Italian caffe, from Turkish kahveh, from Arabic qahwah "coffee," said originally to have meant "wine," but perhaps rather from the Kaffa region of Ethiopia, a home of the plant (coffee in Kaffa is called buno, which itself was borrowed into Arabic as bunn "raw coffee"). Much initial diversity of spelling in earliest English use, including chaoua (1598).
cof·fee ★ / ˈkɒfi ; NAmE ˈkɔːfi ; ˈkɑːfi / noun 1 ★ [uncountable , countable ] the roastedseeds (called coffee beans) of a tropical bush; a powder made from them (烘烤过的)咖啡豆;咖啡粉 ◆ decaffeinated/instant coffee 不含咖啡因的╱速溶咖啡 ◆ ground/real coffee 现磨现喝的咖啡;鲜咖啡 ◆ a jar of coffee 一罐咖啡 ◆ a blend of Brazilian and Colombian coffees 巴西和哥伦比亚的混合咖啡 ◆ coffee ice cream 咖啡冰淇淋 2 ★ [uncountable ] a hot drink made from coffee powder and boiling water. It may be drunk with milk and/or sugar added. 咖啡(热饮料) ◆ black/white coffee (= without/with milk) 不加奶的╱加奶的咖啡 ◆ Tea or coffee? 要茶还是要咖啡? ◆ I'll just make the coffee. 我就来煮咖啡。 ◆ Let's talk over coffee (= while drinking coffee). 咱们边喝咖啡边聊吧。 3 ★ [countable ] a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡 ◆ Two strong black coffees, please. 请来两杯不加奶的浓咖啡。 4 [uncountable ] the colour of coffee mixed with milk; light brown 咖啡色;浅褐色;浅棕色 IDIOMsee wake v. coffee coffees cof·fee / ˈkɒfi ; NAmE ˈkɔːfi ; ˈkɑːfi /
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