influence 英 [ˈɪnfluəns]   美 [ ˈɪnfluəns]


influence  英 [ˈɪnfluəns] 美 [ ˈɪnfluəns]

n. 影响;  vt. 影响; 

进行时:influencing  过去式:influenced  过去分词:influenced  第三人称单数:influences  名词复数:influences 

to have strong influence on sb 对某人产生强大的影响
the influence of the climate on agricultural production 气候对农业生产的影响

  • Influence is the power to have an important effect on someone or something. If someone influences someone else, they are changing a person or thing in an indirect but important way.
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  • n. 影响;
  • vt. 影响;
  • 1. to have strong influence on sb


  • 2. the influence of the climate on agricultural production


  • 3. What exactly is the influence of television on children?


  • 4. Her parents no longer have any real influence over her.


  • 5. cultural influences


  • 6. Those friends are a bad influence on her.


  • 7. His writings have influenced the lives of millions.


  • 8. to be strongly influenced by sth


  • 9. Don't let me influence you either way.


  • influence (n.) late 14c., an astrological term, "streaming ethereal power from the stars when in certain positions, acting upon character or destiny of men," from Old French influence "emanation from the stars that acts upon one's character and destiny" (13c.), also "a flow of water, a flowing in," from Medieval Latin influentia "a flowing in" (also used in the astrological sense), from Latin influentem (nominative influens), present participle of influere "to flow into, stream in, pour in," from in- "into, in, on, upon" (from PIE root *en "in") + fluere "to flow" (see fluent).
  • influence (v.) 1650s, from influence (n.). Related: Influenced; influencing.
in·flu·ence / ˈɪnfluəns ; NAmE ˈɪnfluəns / noun , verb influence influences influenced influencing noun 1 [uncountable ,  countable ] influence(on/upon sb/sth) the effect that sb/sth has on the way a person thinks or behaves or on the way that sth works or develops 影响;作用 to have/exerta strong influenceon sb 对某人产生强大的影响 the influence of the climate on agricultural production 气候对农业生产的影响 What exactly is the influence of television on children? 电视对儿童究竟有什么影响? 2 [uncountable ] the power that sb/sth has to make sb/sth behave in a particular way 支配力;控制力;影响力 influence(over sb/sth) Her parents no longer have any real influence over her. 她的父母对她不再有任何真正的约束力了。 influence(with sb) She could probably exert her influencewith the manager and get you a job. 她很有可能对经理施展她的影响力,给你弄份工作。 He committed the crime under the influence ofdrugs. 他是在吸毒后犯罪的。 3 [countable ] a person or thing that affects the way a person behaves and thinks (对…)有影响的人(或事物) cultural influences 文化影响 influence(on sb/sth) Those friends are a bad influenceon her. 那些朋友对她有负面的影响。 His first music teacher was a major influence in his life. 他的第一位音乐老师是他一生中对他影响非常大的人。 IDIOM under the ˈinfluence having had too much alcohol to drink 喝酒过多;醉酒 She was charged with driving under the influence. 她被控酒后驾驶。 verb 1 to have an effect on the way that sb behaves or thinks, especially by giving them an example to follow 影响;对…起作用 influencesb/sth His writings have influenced the lives of millions. 他的作品影响了千百万人的一生。 to be strongly influencedby sth 受到某事物的强烈影响 Don't let me influence you either way. 何去何从都别受我的影响。 influencehow, whether, etc… The wording of questions can influence how people answer. 问题的措辞会影响人们的回答。 influencesb to do sth She was influenced to take up voluntary work by her teacher. 受她老师的影响,她当起义工来了。 2 influencesth | influencehow, where, etc… to have an effect on a particular situation and the way that it develops 支配;左右 A number of social factors influence life expectancy. 诸多社会因素左右着人的预期寿命。 in·flu·ence / ˈɪnfluəns ; NAmE ˈɪnfluəns /
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