infiltration 英 [,ɪnfɪl'treɪʃən]   美 [,ɪnfɪl'treʃən]


infiltration  英 [,ɪnfɪl'treɪʃən] 美 [,ɪnfɪl'treʃən]

n. 渗透;渗透物 


As for the revelations about paramilitary infiltration of politics, the officials argue that these have come to light only because of the climate of greater security in the country. 至于那些被揭露出的、准军事组织对政界的渗透,官方辩称,这些事被公诸于众,仅仅是因为国家内部有着更为安定的气氛。
For us the fact of infiltration itself is a problem. 对我们来说,渗透本身就是一个问题。

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  • n. 渗透;渗透物
  • 1. As for the revelations about paramilitary infiltration of politics, the officials argue that these have come to light only because of the climate of greater security in the country.


  • 2. For us the fact of infiltration itself is a problem.


  • infiltration (n.) "action or process of infiltrating," in physics, 1796, noun of action from infiltrate. Figurative sense of "a passing into" (anything immaterial) is from 1840; military sense of "stealthy penetration of enemy lines" dates from 1930. The same word had been used earlier in a medical sense of "a knitting together" (early 15c.), from Medieval Latin infiltratio.
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